[b]PLEASE NOTE: [/b] [i]There was a server update needed for this Hotfix, so if you are experiencing any connection issues (like turn timers zeroing out or error messages) please just exit the client - do not forfeit/abandon your games! - download the update via Steam, and dive back in. You’ll see your sessional game in progress on the main menu.[/i] Hi Archfriends! We’re bringing you a Hotfix featuring a few key fixes and QoL improvements. [list][*] We’ve noticed a persistent bug where a match will stall when the timer reaches 0:00, so we’ve implemented some fixes and fallbacks to reduce this occurring. If a turn does hang, you should tick over within a minute as our fallback system kicks into gear. And if you’re still experiencing this bug, please help us gather as much data as possible and report it via the in-game bug sender! [*] We are disabling the Edict “Expel the Heretic” (this is a vote to Excommunicate a player) as a temporary solution whilst we rework Excommunication. We’ve heard you and understand this Edict often severely sidelines players and can creates a generally unfun experience. [/list] As a more general note, we’ve heard all your feedback on how it feels too easy to frame and excommunicate players utilising a Destruction Ritual for Pandaemonium – we’re actively discussing a rebalancing effort for this! We’ll keep you posted when we have another update. Also, if you haven’t already, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1893810/discussions/0/4292564952432426140/]Help us Expand our Encyclopaedia[/url] by pointing out the areas where we can refine and clarify information! Thank you so much, may your dastardly schemes continue! <3 Chan + the LoG Squad