In Hell, there is only one method of assuring loyalty. Not with fear or zealous acts of bravery, no. Loyalty is something paid for in tribute – in currency. And amidst the infernal realm, where suffering is a currency and the ledger of torment is meticulously kept, there is only one such Archfiend with a vault filled high as their ambitions … [img][/img]The Grand Usurer will be a favorite for those who enjoy on building power via their economy while tempting others into ‘mutually beneficial’ deals. Mammon is a beast of financial prowess. Nothing is outside of Mammon’s reach; new legions, artifacts, or praetors, there is very little you can’t accomplish by just buying off the problem. [img][/img] [h1]Mammon’s Starting Powers[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]Insatiable Above All[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] A materialistic titan of influence, Mammon bathes in the power lent by the glint of gold, the sparkle of jewels, and the ostentation of building an empire on the rubble of Hell. His focus is to discretely control the theatre of war via the employment of his vast and steadily growing personal wealth. [h1]Gilded of Mammon; Mammon’s Elite Legion[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]‘Opulas’, Mammon’s Stronghold[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]Concepting Mammon[/h1] [img][/img] [h1]Some Parting Words...[/h1] [img][/img] The only question left is… [b]Are you ready to conquer Hell with Mammon?[/b] [i][b]Well, you can[/b][/i]… In our upcoming [url=]Multiplayer Demo Weekend[/url]! Grab all your friends, family, coworkers, neighbours -- anyone and everyone -- because Hell is coming to town! [b]The Multiplayer Demo Weekend is from Thu 11 Jan @ 3pm PST until Sun 14 Jan @ 10pm PST![/b] In the mean time... Happy holidays and, as always... See you in Hell, Ty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]If you've made it this far, thanks for following along. I intend to share more posts like this, detailing the development process as it unfolds and exploring the unique challenges the privilege of re-imagining a cult classic like Solium Infernum for new (and old!) audiences holds.[/i] [i]For now, you can join the [url=][b]League of Geeks Discord community[/b][/url] for all the infernal news and discussion.[/i] [i]We're actively entering into our Playtesting era for Solium Infernum, so if you wanted to be part of that, we definitely encourage you to hop in the Discord. More information will come soon there! Our [url=]Multiplayer Demo Weekend[/url] is coming up from Thu 11 Jan @ 3pm PST until Sun 14 Jan @ 10pm PST -- join us then![/i] [i]P.S. You can support us and our re-imagining of Vic's "diamond in the dark" by Wishlisting Solium Infernum on Steam, if you haven't already. Wishlisting tells the all-great Steam algorithm that people like what they’re seeing and gets us in front of more eyes.[/i]