Perhaps you have seen her debut over on [url=]PCGamesN[/url]? Well, it only makes sense that you would end here. It is said that everything ends with … her. She appears as all things cast away. A dried husk. All appendages and slack-jawed skulls and blackened gums. Old accounts suggest that she was once one of the greatest Celestials, a beacon for the will of the Tyrant. Cast out by his immovable hand, Hell has awoken in her an eternal and terrible hunger. Her true name is the churning of foul insects, the growl of a nest of enraged wasps, the elated guzzling of maggots on the long-dead. You, however, will know her as… [img][/img] The Lord of the Flies will be a favorite for those who enjoy horrifying and consuming your opponents. Beelzebub has an insatiable appetite for power and carnage. She enjoys liquifying her victims with bile and drinking them whole. Her ambition is nothing less than crushing her opponents and consuming every last part of them. That which is meaty – the fleshy, juices and all – that is where she hungers, what she consumes. Not enough, of course. And it will never be. [img][/img] [h1]Beelzebub’s Starting Powers[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]The Ever-Hungry[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] Beelzebub exists such as an evil, elemental force, at times unable to control her own repellent desires. A master of fear and terror, her agents - the Order of the Fly - have infiltrated the deepest halls of Pandemonium, and perhaps - even into the Strongholds of her rivals. [h1]Spawn of Beelzebub; Beelzebub’s Elite Legion[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]‘Gula’, Beelzebub’s Stronghold[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]Summoning Beelzebub[/h1] [img][/img] The only question left is… [b]Are you ready to conquer Hell with Beelzebub?[/b] In the mean time... See you (very soon) in Hell, Ty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]If you've made it this far, thanks for following along. I intend to share more posts like this, detailing the development process as it unfolds and exploring the unique challenges the privilege of re-imagining a cult classic like Solium Infernum for new (and old!) audiences holds.[/i] [i]For now, you can join the [url=][b]League of Geeks Discord community[/b][/url] for all the infernal news and discussion.[/i] [i]P.S. You can support us and our re-imagining of Vic's "diamond in the dark" by Wishlisting Solium Infernum on Steam, if you haven't already. Wishlisting tells the all-great Steam algorithm that people like what they’re seeing and gets us in front of more eyes.[/i]