[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/b280326df587049518c4471a98fd5c97e89e2770.png[/img] Hello! We are holding an event where members can create and submit a banner that would be used on our official YouTube channel. If you would like to participate, please post your submission to the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/edititem/700330/3/]artwork section[/url] OR some other image sharing website such as Imgur. Reply with a link in the announcement discussion to your submission. Submissions would then be forwarded to our discord and then be voted on by the community. Please do not repost your submissions across multiple platforms. [h2]Rules[/h2][olist] [*][h3]Format[/h3][list] [*] Youtube banner image size: [b]2560 x 1140[/b] pixels. [*] Minimum dimensions to upload: [b]2048 x 1152[/b] pixels. [*] Safe area for text and logos: [b]1546 x 423[/b] pixels. [*] Maximum width: [b]2560 x 423[/b] pixels. [*] File size: [b]6MB[/b] maximum.[/list] [i]The above-mentioned dimensions have to be followed when creating the banner.[/i] [*][h3]Context[/h3][list] [*]The banner has to be created within the context of Northwood Studios, SCP: Secret Laboratory and the SCP universe. [*]""[b]Northwood[/b]"" or the abbreviation ""[b]NW[/b]"" needs to be present on the design[/list] [*][h3]Restrictions[/h3] Submissions may [b]not[/b] contain:[list] [*] Offensive Material [*] Discriminatory Material [*] Sexual Material [*] Excessive Gore [*] Excessive Violence[/list] [*][h3]Originality[/h3] Submissions have to be original and created by the person submitting it. Duplicate posts will be removed unless proof of creation can be provided. Submissions must also have a mild degree of quality, with clear effort shown. They have to, in nature, resemble what a banner should look like. [*][h3]Reposting[/h3] Submissions should not be reposted across multiple platforms. Our social media team will do that for you so it may be included in the voting process. [/olist] [h2]How the winner will be selected[/h2][olist] [*] The community will vote on all submissions to determine 3 finalists. [*] A second vote among the 3 finalists will be held to determine the winner of the event.[/olist] [i]Northwood studios can apply discretion when choosing a winning banner as to prevent an inappropriate banner being used.[/i] [h2]The winners will receive[/h2][olist] [*] The 3 finalists will receive the ""Event Winner"" -role in our Discord and -tag ingame. [*] The winning banner will be used by the Northwood Studios official YouTube channel. The appropriate credit for the banner will be given in the channel [b]bio[/b]. [/olist] Good luck, we look forward to seeing what you create! ---------------- [b]Best Regards,[/b] [i]Northwood Studios[/i] [b]Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/scpsl]https://discord.gg/scpsl[/url] Patreon: [url=https://www.patreon.com/HubertMoszka]https://www.patreon.com/HubertMoszka[/url][/b]