[h2]Hello everyone![/h2] Another hotfix has just been released, containing a few bugfixes and a few adjustments to candies. [h3]Changelog[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a few issues with the Lantern, including weird physics in elevators. [*] Adjusted some of the candies: - Blue candy: AHP will be removed entirely after exiting the marshmallow form. - Yellow candy: Speed buff is now 150% (increased from 120%) but lasts only for 5 seconds. - Green candy: You can jump even higher, and the penalty is reduced. [*] Fixed most of the warnings about missing components (which used to spam the client log). [*] Fixed Marshmallowman being able to randomly damage itself. [/list] Please note this update is compatible with the previous versions. It may take some time for the aforementioned adjustments to appear on all servers. ~ Northwood Studios