Hey, everyone. Today, we're releasing version 11.1.2 of [i]SCP: Secret Laboratory[/i]! This patch contains a plethora of minor updates, a new major feature, and many additional fixes. [h2]Subtitles[/h2] A much-requested addition since CASSIE's introduction, version 11.1.2 brings subtitles to [i]SCP: Secret Laboratory[/i]. These scrolling messages appear near the bottom of the screen whenever CASSIE speaks, showing a transcript of what you're hearing. This includes static messages sent by the game, as well as dynamic sentences sent by respawn waves, Remote Admin, or plugins. You can turn subtitles on or off in the Gameplay section of the settings menu. Most of the game's text, such as death causes or item names, is translatable based on the user's selected language. Despite the community’s efforts to make the game accessible in a multitude of different languages, CASSIE has always proven to be a challenge due to how many voice lines it has. Recording hundreds of words in every language to allow the announcer to speak a different language would be nearly impossible. With the introduction of subtitles, we're pleased to give these players a way to understand more of the game's messages and cues. Subtitles sent automatically by the game, such as decontamination announcements, have authored translations that can be found on our [url=https://github.com/northwood-studios/SCPSL-Translations]translation repository[/url]. Announcements created from multiple words are strung into subtitles based on the exact text passed into Remote Admin. For instance, a CASSIE command with the syntax of "NUCLEAR detonation SEQUENCE" would display subtitles exactly as the words were entered, down to the capitalisation of each letter. [h2]Regarding SCP-244[/h2] In December 2021, we introduced SCP-244, [i]Ice Fog Jar[/i], as a new SCP item. Spawning naturally in the facility as well as inside of pedestals, it functioned as a portable environmental hazard. Placing it on the ground caused it to emanate freezing fog that led to impaired vision, reduced weapon accuracy (for human players), and a pause in [i]Hume Shield[/i] regeneration (for SCPs). At the time, we stated that SCP-244 would be returning in a future patch as a permanent addition. [b]This is still the case — SCP-244 will be returning.[/b] Currently, however, the Game Design team would like to review the item’s mechanics and role in the game before introducing it as a permanent feature. Thus, [b]SCP-244 will not spawn naturally in this update.[/b] However, it does exist in Remote Admin, and can be used in-game if it is spawned manually. Bear in mind that this patch will [u]not[/u] reflect the mechanics that SCP-244 will have once it's fully introduced! [h2]Patch Notes[/h2] [b][i]SCP: Secret Laboratory[/i] — Version 11.1.2[/b] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*]Re-introduced SCP-244, [i]Ice Fog Jar[/i]. It currently does not exist in regular gameplay, and must be spawned manually via Remote Admin or third-party plugins. [*]Added a translatable subtitle system for CASSIE announcements. Subtitles are on by default, and can be toggled in gameplay settings. [*]Added several missing translations to the main menu. [*]The trajectories of thrown grenades have been improved and are much more consistent. [*]Reworked the system the game uses to render decals. This should result in minor performance increases. It also re-introduces old features like players leaving behind blood splatters when they're damaged. [*]All rooms, regardless of zone, can be chosen as valid exits for players escaping from the Pocket Dimension; instead of only certain rooms. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a rare issue where grenade-inflicted status effects would never decay. [*]Fixed an inventory softlock when throwing a grenade while spamming hotkeys. [*]Fixed escaped Class-D not being counted on the summary screen. [*]The "They Are Just Resources..." and "If you want something done right..." achievements will now also be granted for non-firearm kills. [*]Fixed flashlights not affecting SCP-173 in certain scenarios. [*]Fixed multiple out-of-bounds exploits related to SCP-173's Blink ability. [*]Fixed SCP-096 bumping their head in GR-18. [*]Fixed an issue where SCP-939 could not hear someone operating the MicroHID. [/list] Thank you for supporting us, and stay safe!