Hello everyone. Following the recent conclusion of the Christmas event update, we’re launching a hotfix with numerous balance changes, bug fixes, and backend system updates. [h2]SCP Balance Changes[/h2] [h3]SCP-096[/h3] [list] [*] Increased docile movement speed to 3.9m/s (from 3.64). [*] SCP-096’s screams can now be heard from further away. [*] Decreased damage of SCP-096’s primary attack to 60 (from 85). [*] SCP-096’s [i]Charge[/i] now deals 35 damage to non-targets (from 45). [*] Decreased initial Hume Shield to 450 (from 600). [*] Decreased maximum Hume Shield to 900 (from 1200). [*] When entering rage, Hume Shield no longer halves. [*] Increased the delay before Hume Shield regenerates to 15 seconds (from 10). [*] Hume Shield now regenerates twice as fast while [i]Try Not to Cry[/i] is being used. This does not affect the delay before Hume Shield begins to regenerate. [/list] [h3]SCP-939[/h3] [list] [*] Base health increased to 2700. [*] Reduced sprint speed to 6.8m/s (from 7). [*] Reduced maximum stamina to 10 seconds of usage (from 13). [*] Reduced [i]Mimicry[/i]’s cooldown to 3 seconds (from 10). [*] Reduced [i]Claw[/i] attack speed to 0.8s between attacks (from 0.6). [*] Active generators now produce sound ripples, aiding in pinpointing their locations. [/list] [h3]SCP-049-2[/h3] [list] [*] Increased maximum speed from [i]Lobotomized Bloodlust[/i] to 5.4m/s (from 5.17). [*] Consuming a corpse will now temporarily max out [i]Lobotomized Bloodlust[/i]’s speed increase for a few seconds. [*] Targets marked by SCP-049’s [i]Good Sense of the Doctor[/i] will now show the indicator to SCP-049-2 instances. [/list] [h3]SCP-079[/h3] [list] [*] Rooms connected by an elevator will now have an icon on SCP-079’s map. Clicking this icon allows SCP-079 to directly visit the room at the top of the elevator. [*] Disabled ability to switch zones by using movement keys. A setting has been added to re-enable this behaviour. [/list] [h2]Improvements and Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Re-added the new SCP-049 and door audio. [*] Improved Spectator HUD and Muting Settings. [list] [*] ‘Mute other spectators’ no longer mutes the end-game round summary and pre-game lobby voice chats. [*] Added a ‘Mute pre-game lobby’ option. [*] Added an option allowing users to mute the end-game round summary screen in the settings menu. [*] All mute options are now additionally available in the settings menu. [*] Role names on the spectator player list have been shortened where possible. [/list] [*] Added Hitmarker sound indicators. [*] Optimized memory usage by the Hotkey system. [*] Fixed “access denied” sounds not triggering properly by locked generators. [*] Fixed Massive Labyrinth not muting after death. [*] Fixed SCP-106’s doors not being openable by SCP-079 during the Alpha Warhead detonation process. [*] Fixed an out-of-bounds exploit regarding Entrance Zone checkpoints. [*] Fixed video setting sliders not permitting typing in decimal numbers. [*] Fixed the `showtag` command being overridden by the badge preference setting. [*] Added Dutch translations. [*] Added Galician translations. [*] Added Turkish translations. [/list] [h2]Technical and Backend Changes[/h2] [list] [*] SCPs no longer look strictly for human players when trying to find targets. Now uses a team-based approval system. [*] Added the `IsStatic` property to primitive objects. This disables constant position syncing. [*] Improved QR codes in the Remote Admin console. [*] Made multiple optimizations related to querying users in Remote Admin. [*] Improved Staff Chat [list] [*] Removed Staff Chat from the Administration tab — it now has its own tab. [*] When sending a message, the input will now be cleared automatically. [*] Messages can now be sent with the ‘Enter’ key. [*] Staff Chat now utilises a user’s group colour instead of one based on their current role. [*] Refactored some code. [*] Fixed an issue where some author information would be lost upon the start of a new round. [/list] [*] Fixed instances of LocalAdmin input occasionally being mishandled. [*] Patched multiple vulnerabilities related to the Remote Admin console. [*] Fixed player queries incorrectly being logged as accessing IP addresses. [*] Fixed query data incorrectly being copied based on prior queries. [*] Fixed IP Address Passthrough being ignored when querying multiple players. [*] Fixed UseGlobalBans being ignored in full authentication. [/list] Keep your eyes peeled for further updates on the horizon. Have fun, and [i]see you in the dark.[/i] ~ Northwood Studios