SCP:SL Creation Contest 2020 Winners!
Author: Voidus,
published 3 years ago,
[h1]SCP:SL Creation Contest 2020 Ending![/h1]
As the year comes to an end, so does the Creation Contest! You have submitted your entries, voted for your favourites, and chosen the winners.
Before we carry on though, there are some things that we would like to discuss. Firstly, let's talk about this event and the possibility of having a similar event in the future. We are always open to ideas, and suggestions about how we can improve these events for everyone. If you have any suggestions or ideas regarding events, please feel free to comment below.
There is also a misconception that during these events, development on the game stops. This is not the case. Events like these are handled by a dedicated team, and we can assure you that the Development team is focused on the game.
Now then let’s talk about my favourite part of the event, statistics!
[b]Total Submissions: 512
Art: 177
Literature: 8
Music: 40
Meme: 206
Video: 36
Other: 45[/b]
[b]Total Votes: 13,967
Art: 5,890
Literature: 66
Music: 645
Meme: 5,712
Video: 788
Other: 866[/b]
We want to thank everyone who submitted their amazing pieces, as well as those who just voted. Sadly, we are not able to reward all of you, as I would if I could. But now, onto the runner-ups:
[b]Literature: Panini Cupcake, Music: SpiderShnyuk, Meme: gibuz, Video: GBC_2015, Other: JoeBro.[/b] You all did wonderfully but sadly you just fell short. Better luck next time!
Now what everyone’s been waiting for... the winners of the Creation Contest 2020 are:
[b]Art: “Dead Cake” for “Let's get this party started”[/b]
[b]Literature: “kalphiter the second” for “SCP-7777”[/b]
[b]Music: "Verri" for "Space And Time"[/b]
[b]Meme: “Quacking Gander” for “Stairs”[/b]
[b]Video: “eXIL Games” for “Halloween Musical Video”[/b]
[b]Other: “OLES_2003” for “Micro HID in Minecraft”[/b]
You may have noticed that there was no runner-up for the Art category. That’s because we put all the runner-ups into another vote; the staff vote. The winner of that vote is:
[b]Staff Vote: “FacinusChip” for “Near success”[/b]
Sadly we had to severely compress this, so please, for a better quality version see:
Congratulations to everyone who won! We will contact you shortly to set up rewards.
Again, we want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the event, and made it as fun as possible. That's all for now, but stay tuned for more events in the future!
[b]Best Regards,[/b]
Voidus (Marketing Platform Manager)