[b]Hello!![/b] This Patreon post will showcase some of our biggest additions to SCP:SL’s 12.0 ‘Mimicry’ update! We’ll be detailing SCP-939’s full rework, SCP-939’s new containment chamber, and The Operational Guide. [b][h1]SCP-939’s Full Rework[/h1][/b] SCP-939’s full rework aims to move the SCP towards an ‘ambush’ role. It has received a variety of new tools to allow it to better perform this role. SCP-939 retains its ability to switch between walking and sprinting. This time, SCP-939 will have a stamina bar, similar to that of human classes, though more limited. SCP-939’s base movement (walking) speed is slightly slower than that of a human, though its footsteps are almost entirely silent. By pressing the Shift key, SCP-939 will begin to use stamina and move significantly faster than its base movement speed. SCP-939’s stamina bar allows it to sprint for bursts of approximately ten seconds, before having to wait a further ten seconds for the stamina bar to begin recharging. The lower SCP-939’s stamina bar is, the shorter its range of vision becomes — more on this below. [b][h1]Claw[/h1][/b] SCP-939’s basic attack has been changed into a low-damage Area of Effect (AoE) attack, similar to SCP-096’s attack, though with a more forgiving hitbox. The basic attack (‘Claw’) deals 30 damage, with 75% armour penetration. SCP-939’s Claw key can be held down, allowing a continuous attack, with each attack taking 0.6 seconds to complete. To put this in perspective, below are statistics on the damage this attack deals to differently armoured targets.: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/91ec74826ec39a4a45e1be30b7d76386ba53d844.png[/img] *Time to Kill describes how fast SCP-939 can kill a target in ideal conditions i.e. no healing items used, no buffs on the target, and no missed attacks from SCP-939. [h1][b]Ultrasensitive[/b][/h1] The current SCP-939 has a unique vision mechanic, using environmental sounds to determine surroundings. The rework keeps this mechanic, but improves it, making it more visually appealing. One of the biggest changes we’ve made is allowing SCP-939 to only see colour within a small range. The area which SCP-939 can see normally represents SCP-939’s limited sight. In this zone, humans will appear as usual, and will vanish when they walk outside of this radius. Outside of this radius, SCP-939 can no longer ‘see’ humans. Instead, they are represented by the sounds they make. These are sounds such as walking, running, shooting, and using items. Sounds appear as red, expanding circles, emitting from the sound’s origin. Throwing items also produces sound, allowing human classes to distract SCP-939! Images don’t display this mechanic well, so please see the bottom of this post for a video demonstrations [h1][b]Focus and Lunge[/b][/h1] To make SCP-939 more of a ‘hunter’, and to honour the four-legged SCP-939 model, SCP-939 can now retract into an ‘alert’ position on all fours, to prepare a devastating attack. By pressing the CTRL key, SCP-939 begins to activate Focus. Over the course of two seconds, SCP-939 lowers on all fours, its movement speed crawls to a halt, and its Field of View (FOV) drastically widens. Once SCP-939 is fully Focused, it will be able to see sounds from up to double its original distance, allowing the player to find players to hunt easier. More information on this is below. Being in Focus also enables a new attack for SCP-939: ‘Lunge’. As the name implies, SCP-939 pounces towards their intended victim. The human hit by this attack will be killed instantly. In addition, humans near the impact radius will take some residual damage. SCP-939 will take a moment to recover from this attack, potentially leaving it vulnerable to attack by militant classes. [h1][b]Amnestic Cloud[/b][/h1] Amnestic Cloud is a new ability for SCP-939. SCP-939 can now project a cloud of near-invisible gas that affects the minds of its victims. Humans who walk into this cloud stop being able to perceive SCP-939’s presence, allowing it to set up ambushes and kill a group of humans without them ever noticing its presence. This ability is not without drawbacks, however. If SCP-939 makes an attack, or is shot by a human, it will become visible for a brief moment. This gives human classes time to react and defend themselves. Finally, the Amnestic Cloud inflicts the, currently unused, status effect ‘Amnesia’. This status effect was previously inflicted upon receiving a bite from SCP-939, but was removed in an earlier release. 12.0 sees its return! Amnesia stops human classes from being able to perform certain actions, such as reloading, and using healing items. Please note that this ability is not implimented in the summary video at the bottom of this post! [h1][b]With Many Voices[/b][/h1] Our updated version of With Many Voices is our most ambitious ability yet. Previous versions of this ability allowed SCP-939 to communicate with its victims with no drawback. We appreciate the fun memories that have come from this version of the ability, but the old SCP-939 was uninspired, with it being our most ‘generic’ playable SCP. Whilst we have decided to move away from uninterrupted proximity voice chat, our team is open to adding a form of proximity voice chat to SCP-939, should the sub-abilities below feel incomplete. We’ll make our decision based on feedback from both this Patreon post, as well as from the upcoming Patreon beta. By pressing the Tab key, SCP-939 opens a menu, similar to the inventories human classes have. Here, there are a few options each with their own cooldowns. Firstly, it can set a Mimic Point. The Mimic Point acts as a set location for SCP-939 to project its prey’s voices for an indefinite period of time (more on this later). This allows SCP-939 to trick its prey, allowing it to ambush them more easily. Mimic Points are marked with an on-screen ping indicator, similar to SCP-079’s ping system. Mimic Points do not disappear with time, instead they are deleted once SCP-939 has moved more than 20 metres away from the point. SCP-939 gains the ability to steal the voices of the prey it kills, uttering the last four seconds of speech made before death. This ability has a cooldown of ten seconds, and can be projected to Mimic Points. Please note that players have the opportunity to opt-out of this system. Anyone uncomfortable having their voice played by SCP-939 always has the option to disable the feature in settings. The system is voluntary, with information about it being displayed the first time a new user attempts to join a server. SCP-939 can also activate Footstep Mimicry. Footstep Mimicry is the only type of mimicry that cannot be projected to a Mimic Point, as it replaces SCP-939’s footsteps with those of another class. This ability lasts for ten seconds, before starting a 20 second cooldown period. Finally, SCP-939 can activate Playable SCP Mimicry. This allows it to mimic the sounds and footsteps of a currently alive SCP. This ability lasts for as long as the copied sound effect does, or, in the case of mimicking SCP footsteps, for a maximum of ten seconds. This ability has a separate 20 second cooldown, and can be projected to a Mimic Point. [h1][b]SCP-939’s Containment Chamber[/b][/h1] With a full SCP rework comes the need to redesign said SCP’s containment chamber. SCP-939’s old containment chamber was a barebones relic of the past. The room is designed using old assets, was far too simple for what it was supposed to be, and does not appear as, or function, as a ‘containment chamber’. Suffice to say, SCP-939’s old containment chamber is the perfect example of what we want to avoid when redoing our rooms. In contrast, SCP-939’s new chamber aims to fix all of these issues. Here are some images to show the new containment chamber: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/ad8b04b6c6ba4d99102f63133d5d973f45794a5e.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/4138ed6a2bdd0a117e76192076dde435d14ee2fc.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/8ef6d75c4a036c2f4cd891a41b2eab0706388522.png[/img][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/88d3210c257aa7dd5b9483bca0d7fd42e83b52f2.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/5855cff5b49bd074a3b8b380f0e7a027a56bde37.png[/img] Video explanations are at the bottom of this post, with a more in-depth look at SCP-939’s new containment chamber. Please note: some props are still subject to change, and may be rearranged in the final build. We plan to keep SCP-939’s old containment chamber in the game (possibly pending some changes), as it provides a degree of variety to the rooms in the Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ). The new containment chamber fixes the aforementioned issues with the previous one. SCP-939’s old containment chamber featured a pit with a maze of slopes. The, seemingly, only use for the previous containment chamber was to hide and camp, causing frustration for all. The new containment chamber features possible loot locations, with a set of lockers, as well as the possibility for medical items to spawn. The room is also relatively small, being built in a normal HCZ ‘corner room’. This eliminates many of the problems the previous version saw. It can still be used to hide in to some extent, but it is nowhere near as good of a spot to camp than its predecessor. As for being a ‘proper’ containment chamber, SCP-939’s new room now features a research facility, attached to a Foundation ‘Containment Cryopod’ to house SCP-939 for study. We believe this makes the room more lore-appropriate, featuring better fitting containment methods the Foundation would use. The opinion of the room being more visually appealing is down to the individual, but we think everyone will find this room far more interesting. A Video Showcase is attached below. [previewyoutube=bojmV6rPu8w;full][/previewyoutube] [h1][b]The Operational Guide [/b][/h1] For too long, we’ve felt that the new player experience for SCP:SL was confusing. The game provides minimal direction about your goals and abilities. New players are introduced to a variety of weapons, anomalous items, and other game objects and mechanics they may not be fully understanding of. This is increased if they are not familiar with the SCP universe. Whilst a full-scale tutorial would be unsustainable due to large changes the game sees between updates, we have elected to create an in-game information bank, known as The Operational Guide (OPG). Our goal is to improve first time user experience, whilst also providing interesting quality of life features for returning players. We plan to continue expanding this system with future updates. Adding new pages to the OPG is more realistic than updating a tutorial system every time an update is released. We won’t spoil all of The Operational Guide in this post, but the below images give a sneak peak of what’s to come: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/9b5ffc227dcc319e781e01d712f4dd4cf3624cdc.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/4e7a588f34a43c9dc0e5be57285897da9fa8affa.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/22eab724212948d41d93af51d462348feec198e8.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/66b06535969b7e931a0f4776931efbd51ba26a6d.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/d3675221724737ac99ada8400c314c02b02a346b.png[/img] [b]Wait a second...[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/a56a0e89f338290ca796f28b0253b46f0df0f8f6.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/e938ea7f9249219ec8b822da6168ec078ae7b18b.png[/img] Each item page has the option to display the model in greater detail, allowing users to pan, zoom, and examine the model from any angle. We’ve also added a feature to each character page, to allow users to rotate the models. Military classes can be seen in different states, holding any weapon they usually spawn with. We’ve also added some lore to every page of the OPG. We feel SCP:SL is at a point where we can start expanding on the narrative of the game. Perhaps you can piece together some interesting information about Site-02, or the Foundation? You’ll have to wait for the 12.0 Patreon beta to find out. Without further ado, the video summary: [previewyoutube=1FiH2wPjhb4;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Thanks for staying with us <3 ~Northwood Studios[/b]