[i]SCP: Secret Laboratory[/i] is always changing. Version 10.0.3 is our latest update to the game, bringing with it some stability improvements and bug fixes, as well as introducing a new feature for SCP voice chat. You can find the patch notes below. [h2]Role Indicators[/h2] When playing as an SCP, voice chat is often critical to your team's success. Players use it to communicate their wins, their losses, and everything in-between. It also has other uses, like letting your teammates know that you've revived someone as SCP-049 or asking them for directions. It's a very important part of playing an antagonistic role. Something we've noticed lately is the confusion that stems from memorizing your teammates. Every SCP is different, with the exception of SCP-939 being able to spawn twice in a match, and having to memorize what role each player fills can be stressful, especially in the heat of a fight or escaping from an engagement that went wrong. To fix this, we've added graphical indicators to represent what class a teammate is playing. Whenever a player uses voice chat as an SCP, an image representing their role will display next to their name for all other SCPs. This should play a big part in eliminating the frustration of memorizing your teammates, and even allows teammates that don't speak to show their role by tapping their push-to-talk key! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//31380022/56bbaaad16d424ae8c24dc85faa4b13ce4320c2f.png[/img] This extends to all SCP classes, including instances of 049-2 or any SCPs that are created after the start of the round by server moderators or plugins. When a teammate starts talking, you'll immediately know who they are and what role they're playing. Note that this feature is only available for SCPs right now - other methods of voice chat that display names, such as radio and spectator chat, won't display any icons. This was a deliberate choice, to preserve the uncertainty and paranoia created over radio. If you've been alone for a while, and you suddenly hear somebody asking if anyone is on the radio, you can't be certain whether or not they're an ally, or an enemy trying to lure you out. [h2]Fixes[/h2] Version 10.0.3 features a plethora of fixes and adjustments, which are as follows: [list] [*]Fixed SCP-096 being unable to leave the intercom room. [*]Fixed the Epsilon-11's flashlight not appearing when dropped on the ground. [*]Fixed the Hemorrhage status effect causing damage to stationary players who were holding their Sprint key. [*]Fixed an issue causing ammo pickups to become "ghost items" if not all of the ammunition was taken from the pickup. [*]Fixed a duplicate RID in the Entrance Zone. [*]Improvements to nickname sanitization. [*]Fixed an exploit causing SCP-079's power to not drain at the correct rate when using a speaker while doors were locked. [*]Fixed the Motion Blur setting not applying in-game. [*]Fixed non-civilian classes obtaining the "High on the Wings of Caffeine" achievement while passing the escape boundary with SCP-207 active. [*]Fixed the audio effect played when attempting to fire with an empty magazine playing twice. [*]The [b]TIX INFO[/b] RA command now requires [b]RespawnEvents[/b] permission. [*]The game client should now work on Wine for Linux players. [*]MTF Scientists now properly spawn with a disarmer. [*]Added unique messages for escaping while disarmed, instead of showing the normal escape message for your team. [*]Players no longer collide with generator doors, which fixes several out-of-bounds exploits. [*]Anticheat improvements and fixes. [/list] [h2]API Changes[/h2] This segment is for plugin developers. You can safely skip these notes if you aren't involved with the creation of plugins or mods. [list] [*]Implements the [b]ForceCuff[/b] syncvar on the [b]Handcuffs[/b] class. When enabled, the player will be disarmed, even if no other players have interacted with them. [*]Steamworks has been updated. [/list] [h2]What about SCP-096's rebalance?[/h2] We're still working on the balance of SCP-096. Our survey, run in late August of this year, has been very helpful in diagnosing some of SCP-096’s problems and getting the community's input about them. We've now playtested all of the options we presented in the survey, and we'll likely be releasing a more detailed post soon describing our balancing process and our final decisions. In the meantime, however, keep an eye out. [h2]Conclusion[/h2] This is a small update, but it may be a significant one. Being able to see teammates' roles as an SCP should provide a significant improvement to teamwork potential, and we've fixed several long-standing bugs with the game. We hope you keep enjoying [i]SCP: Secret Laboratory[/i]!