[h1]Hello everyone![/h1] We've just released the 10.2.2 hotfix! With it comes a multitude of changes and fixes. [u][b][h2]Updates[/h2][/b][/u] [u][h3]Gameplay[/h3][/u] [list] [*] SCP-096 will now deal 750 damage to doors when charging (increased from 250). This addresses an oversight where they couldn't charge through the doors in SCP-106's containment chamber. [*] SCP-106's portals now teleport with elevators. This helps to fix a longstanding bug where 106 could end up in the out-of-bounds side of an elevator. [*] Optimised SCP-096 Scripts. [/list] [u][h3]Backend[/h3][/u] [list] [*] Optimised authentication - it now takes about only half of the time. [*] Updated LocalAdmin to version 2.3.8. [*] Updated and improved the Anti-Cheat (These were the small updates you may have noticed recently). [/list] [u][b][h2]Fixes[/h2][/b][/u] [u][h3]Gameplay[/h3][/u] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where killing all other SCP's wouldn't re-contain SCP-079 if 4 out of 5 generators were active. [*] Fixed the "Burned" status effect working inversely for weapon damage (i.e. making the victim cause more damage, instead of receiving more.) [*] Fixed the inability to open the inventory or player list when dying as SCP-106 with your sinkhole menu open. [*] Fixed an issue with CASSIE where multiple numbers would void "PITCH" settings for the rest of the line after the first number. [*] Fixed `ci_on_start_percent` config. [*] Fixed ping not being round trip time. [*] Fixed a bug where SCP-106 would die if traveling through his sinkhole when the alpha warhead detonates. He only dies if the sinkhole is in the facility or an elevator. [*] Fixed an issue where grenades could get out of bounds if you threw them too close to the ceiling. [*] Fixed an issue where SCP-096 could turn around when in "TryNotToCry" [*] Fixed an issue allowing you to drink more than 4 SCP-207 (cola) at the same time. [/list] [u][h3]UI[/h3][/u] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where players muted while currently talking in scp/radio/spec chat would have their speaking indicators get stuck on your screen. [/list] [u][h3]Map[/h3][/u] [list] [*] The ARG plaque in SCP-079's chamber is no longer stuck out-of-bounds. [/list] [u][h3]Backend[/h3][/u] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where command interpolation for numerical values would throw errors during startup. Certain int-values would return "-" if null rather than a valid int like "-1". [*] Fixed an issue where the Steam/Discord RPC would display the max players count incorrectly. [*] Improved SCPs 049, 106, and 173 killing security - it's not possible to kill through walls, doors, or any other objects or from a long distance anymore. [*] Added rate limits to the usage of medical items (to prevent cheaters and griefers abusing sound effects). [*] Improved LocalAdmin process exit on Windows. [/list] Thank you for your continued support! [i][b]~ Northwood Studios[/b][/i] [b]Website:[/b] https://scpslgame.com [b]Discord:[/b] https://discord.gg/scpsl [b]Reddit:[/b] https://www.reddit.com/r/SCPSL/ [b]Patreon:[/b] https://www.patreon.com/HubertMoszka [b]Wiki:[/b] https://hub.scpslgame.com/index.php?title=Main_Page