[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31380022/5a1f5e03e80674ef2109005da5f0c260ac57efcf.png[/img] [b]Open Beta v6.2.0[/b] Hey folks! A new update is coming out in 19h! (10:00 PST / 17:00 GMT+0). The update will be available on the public beta branch in an hour. [h1][b]Features:[/b][/h1] [list] [*][b]Optimisation[/b] - Game is now compiled in 64bit [*][b]Performance fixes[/b] - the frame rate should increase [*][b]Weapon manager fixes[/b] - the game will remember your weapons customization [*][b]SCP-173 is more durable[/b] - increased its HP from 2000 to 3200 [*][b]New summary screen[/b] - looks better and shows who won [*][b]Chaos Insurgency LMG fixed[/b] - changed the firstperson model textures [*][b]Death info screen[/b] - a special screen that shows who killed you [*][b]Other bug fixes[/b] - elevators, radios, badges and other stuff [*][b]Overwatch mode[/b] - type "OVR" in the RA console to disable respawning of chosen user - useful for admins. [*][b]Server Roles improvements[/b] - ability to change user's server role by RA command ("setgroup") [/list] ---------------- [b]With Best Regards,[/b] [h1]Hubert Moszka[/h1] (Project founder & CEO) Discord forum: [url=https://discord.gg/scpsl]discord.gg/scpsl[/url]