[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43054781/33b50589d1e35d4fd095400ede3b3f0c19960c09.png[/img] Thank you for playing Savage: Ultimate Boss Fight. Here are the update details. [h2][u]Bug Fix[/u][/h2] The following issues have been fixed: [list] [*]In the following boss battle, frozen floor that appear on the field may remain even after restarting the fight. [list] [*]vs. Fafnir [/list] [*]In the following boss battles, the boss may stop moving. [list] [*]vs. Seraphim [*]vs. Fafnir [/list] [*]The fairy summoned by the Archer’s skill may stop moving. [/list]