[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43054781/55d51d93c8423aa160417809521cfc58145be315.png[/img] Thank you for playing Savage: Ultimate Boss Fight. We would like to inform you of an upcoming update for the demo version. Scheduled Update Date: [b]October 6, 2023[/b] Please stay tuned for the announcement where we will reveal the details of the update. Additionally, with this update, the [b]clear time records[/b] for the following battles will be reset: [list] [*]vs. Ifrit (Normal) [*]vs. Garuda (Normal) [*]vs. Titan (Normal) [*]vs. Ifrit (Extreme) [*]vs. Garuda (Extreme) [*]vs. Titan (Extreme) [/list] We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those currently playing, and we appreciate your understanding.