[previewyoutube=Q6aBrdEQT7o;full][/previewyoutube] We have just had our second ship design contest, and we had some really top notch designs. While not everyone could be a winner we are really encouraged by how strong the community response is every time we run one of these. [url=https://www.matrixgames.com/news/rule-the-waves-3-ship-design-contest-2-winners]Check out the full article on the Matrix Site.[/url] The winners submission are posted below for your perusing. [b]DasTactic's Picks[/b] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/DasTactic/41-CL.pdf]Light Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/DasTactic/14-CA.pdf]Heavy Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/DasTactic/23-HM.pdf]Honorable Mention [/url] [b]Liam's Picks [/b] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Liam/04-CL.pdf]Light Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Liam/06-CA.pdf]Heavy Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Liam/36-HA.pdf]Honorable Mention [/url] [b]Tortuga's Picks [/b] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Tortuga/63-CL.pdf]Light Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Tortuga/40-CA.pdf]Heavy Cruiser [/url] [url=www.matrixgames.com/amazon/Test2/RTW3/ShipDesignContest2Fixed/Tortuga/53-HM.pdf]Honorable Mention [/url] As mentioned at the start of the stream, we are also happy to announce that an update is in the works for RTW3. Many of you will already be aware of the public beta available on the forums and Steam. We are confident that this beta will be pushed as a full update by the end of February. With updates to the ship saving system and the strategic layer, it's going to be another great addition to RTW3.