We are happy to announce another update for Rule the Waves 3. Included in the patch are numerous bug fixes and UI improvements. Read the full changelog below. [b]What’s New in Version 1.00.14[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with warning when the player has exactly 2 AMC in peacetime, instead of more than 2. [*] Fixed a bug with unrest sometimes unintentionally increasing when industrial productivity increases. [*] More variation in first carrier AI design for some nations. [*] Fixed a rare bug where an enemy ship could get speed 0, which would generate error messages in battle creation. [*] Fixed a bug with Unit machinery sometimes being applied in battle even though the ship was designed without it. [*] Fixed a bug with DD and CL division commanders not being auto assigned when they should be. [*] Damage control training will now not be selectable before the tech is researched. [*] Fixed a bug in the display of medium and heavy SAM ranges against surface targets. [*] Fixed a bug where scrapped ships could turn up as coastal patrols in battles. [*] Added function to multi select air units and make them night capable. [*] Fixed a bug with industrialists complaining about the Navy buying foreign aircraft even if nation has no aircraft industry (China). [*] Fixed a bug with magnetic pistols doctrine choice not being saved. [*] Removed non-functioning auto ammo choice checkbox in doctrine screen. [*] Made sure the DD request event does not fire before DDs are invented. [*] You will now no longer be reminded if the museum ship is a carrier and has no aircraft assigned. [*] The close button in the division editor now keeps alignment to the right edge of the screen. [*] Fixed a bug with secondary hit modifier from director control sometimes wrongly calculated. [*] Fixed a bug with small ships detaching/slowing down to quickly from flooding, and large ships being to slow to do it. [*] User preferences, added option for no popups when divisions lose contact. [*] Increased starting distance in battles with long radar ranges (this will primarily affect the missile age). [*] CVL must now have a displacement of at least 6000 tons and a speed of at least 15 knots. [*] Separated the commander and division submenus in the ships in service popup menu. [*] In the ships in service popup menu, you can now reassign a ship to another division even if it already is in a division. [*] Made it possible to assign officers to command destroyer divisions from the officers tab. [*] Added a check for ship name being used when naming new ship classes. [*] Added "Independent" in the role selection screen of the division editor (= effectively no specified role). [*] Division editor: Made it possible to move divisions up or down in the division list. [*] When creating a division and changing the type of an already autonamed division, a new appropriate name can be autogenerated. [*] Made sure aircraft maneuverability can never go negative. [*] Probably fixed a bug that could corrupt savefiles (hard to recreate the bug). [*] Tweaked the AI to be more sensitive to threats to its home area. [*] The VP display is now updated immediately after the player or the AI declines battle instead of at the end of turn processing. [*] The visual equipment list in the design window is now cleared when you press "Clear all values" for the ship design. [*] Added a button to clear all visuals. [*] Reduced the chance of AI nations allying if they have incompatible government systems. [*] Officers are now sorted on rank value and not on rank as text. [*] Copy and paste air unit will now also copy carrier capable and night capable characteristics. [*] Added option to center the map on selected possession when selecting possessions after a peace. [*] Improved the list in the officer selection screen with sortable columns for traits. [*] Added some Rear Admirals to the officer pool at the start of a new game. [*] Added query for automatic mirroring of opposite mount when moving tertiary gun mounts. [*] There is now a chance for officers in the starting pool to have their traits known at start. [*] The player will now be asked about auto scrapping all AMCs after a war. [*] Prevented an error when pressing OK on an aircraft prototype request without selecting a role. [*] Ships transferred as reparations or lend lease are now automatically removed from division organization. [*] Fixed a misleading description text in research of Wireless Telegraphy. [/list]