Hello Admirals, Commodores, Captains, and every other kind of Master and Commander. We are launching the second ship design contest for Rule the Waves 3. Every person entering the contest and making a valid submission will receive a Matrix store voucher worth 15 USD. The contests winners will also receive a voucher worth 30 dollars. For those of you who were in the previous contest, we have made some minor revisions to the rules. [b]Contest Rules[/b]: Submit a picture of your ship with both its guns page and additional armaments page. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44009852/3fc3febeab57a08d40667183563c0519b2c7f3ce.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44009852/a07ca3a19c22da3439f7caa76c514ad8a76ccfef.png[/img] In addition to the images, give us a very short story why the ship is designed the way it is or it's battle history. This can be humorous, knowledgeable, or simply an entertaining yarn about your ship. We are not imposing a character limit this time but please keep it brief for the sake of our judges. You may submit in both categories but you can only be picked as a winner in one of them. Variant technology submissions are also acceptable. [b]Please only submit a ship designed in an unmodded version of the game. [/b] [b]Category 1[/b] - Light Cruisers, any period and any configuration. If it is a legal design and says CL it will be sent to the judges for consideration. This is a very broad category and we are excited to see ship designs run the gamut from the Town-Class to the Bremen. Protected Cruisers do count as CL, and are accepted designs. [b]Category 2[/b] - Heavy Cruisers, any period and any configuration. Same rules as the Light Cruisers, if it says CA and is a legal design, we will accept it for judging. [b]Players should submit their designs to [url=rtw3contest@gmail.com]rtw3contest@gmail.com[/url] [/b] Now for our community judges, we are proud to announce they are: [url=www.youtube.com/user/Das24680]DasTactic[/url]: If you ever needed a tutorial on how to play a Matrix game, DasTactic has probably done a video on it. From Distant Worlds to Shadow Empire Das's videos are a familiar sight in our wargaming community. This is Das's second round as a judge. [url=www.youtube.com/@Drachinifel]Drachinifel[/url]: Creator of the best naval guides out there. If you ever had even the slightest interest in a topic about warships, Drachinifel has you covered. From triple expansion boilers to the war galleys of antiquity, he has made a video on it. This is also Drach's second round as a judge. [url=www.youtube.com/@TortugaPower]Tortuga[/url]: Probably one of the best regular RTW3 Youtubers, Tortuga currently has a marathon 1890's Germany playthrough that is 55 episodes deep and growing. This is his first time as a judge. Scores and winners are up to the judges, we aren't putting in any hard quantitative rules regarding what a ship is graded on, so expect some subjectivity. With that being said we have some very clever and knowledgable judges who will be looking for solid design work. With a judge selecting a winner for each category, we will have six victorious designs. The winners will have their ships and stories broadcast when we announce the contest results with the judges on our livestream! The date and time of this stream will be announced when submissions close. Submissions close February 12th, good luck and happy designing.