Hello everyone! Today we have updated it to Ver. 1.1. Various functions have been added and improved. The contents are as follows: [h2]--- New and Improved Features ---[/h2] [h3]- Cross-Save Shared Variables[/h3] Variables that exist beyond the saved data units and can be referenced from anywhere in the game have been implemented. By using these variables, it is possible to change the game content before and after the game is cleared, or to record only the scenes seen during play in a multi-ending game. This feature can be used in games with story branches, such as novel games and adventure games, and can also be utilized in a variety of ways depending on the creator's ideas. [h3]- Title Screen Call Feature from Event[/h3] Added a command script "Display Title Screen". This makes it possible to display the title screen after the game's introductory event, or to display the title screen while showing the map with the camera. Together with the cross-save shared variables, it is also possible to change the title screen before and after the game is cleared, and so on. [previewyoutube=4Ko8bWQkBV4;full][/previewyoutube] *To skip the title screen, turn on Game Definition > Rules and Operations > Skip Title Screen. (You can also try launching the test play by right-clicking on it.) *The sample game "Orb Stories" has been updated to show how to call the title screen from an event and how to change the title screen before and after clearing the game using cross-save shared variables. Please use it as a reference for your game creation. [h3]- Stamp Export/Import Feature and Ability to Published Export Files to Steam Workshop[/h3] Added the ability to export 2D/3D/terrain stamps and various resources as a single file and import them. [b]< Export >[/b] 1. Select the file(s) or folder(s) you wish to export in the tree section of each resource menu and right-click to display the context menu. 2. Select "Export Selected Elements" in the menu. 3. Each element of the stamp is compiled and exported in a file named .exrbr. [b]< Import >[/b] You can import resources by selecting them from the Asset Picker > Local Files or by dragging and dropping .exrbr files into the Resources Tree section or Map Editor. Also, exported .exrbr files can now be published to the Steam Workshop. Please use it to publish your own stamps, etc. [h3]- New 3D/2D stamps exported to Steam Workshop are now available free of charge.[/h3] We have released the following two samples of the stamp export feature. Enjoy using them to create your own games. - [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2904616535]2D Cast Figure Graphics Set[/url][/b]: This is a set of figure graphics that has been requested by many customers. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/ddac22e47ff15b36142daa2467619e0545d3b308.jpg[/img] - [b][url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2904615800]3D Models Stall Tent Set[/url][/b]: This set will be 3D stamps of stall tents decorating the streets. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/1005fe40433c343542cd924af570f9924354ea90.jpg[/img] [h3][ Event Editor ][/h3] - Added functions to the command script "Advanced Variable Box Operation" to obtain information on "Arithmetic Functions" and "nth Status in the Party" and to convert degrees > radians and radians > degrees. - The command script "Play Movie" can now select the display priority of the movie. In addition, a function has been implemented to end a movie that is playing when the movie to be played is specified as "None". - The command script "Change Cast Graphic" can also be used to change the icon image of the cast. - Changed the specification of the command script "Change Y Coordinate of Player/Event" to check if there are any obstacles in the upper or lower direction and added a function to stop there. The previous specification was to go through the collision, but this has now been changed. [h3][ Map Editor ][/h3] - Added "Memorize Position" to the context menu of events on maps. Events with this setting turned on will keep their post-movement position even after the player has left the map. - Snap Tool has been added to the Tools palette. After this tool is turned on, if an object or event is selected and brought within a certain distance to another object, it will be snapped at the outer perimeter. - Random Pen placed on the Tools palette. Random Pen function that randomly changes scale and angle when placing objects is made into a button. (The existing shortcut Ctrl+Alt to Random Pen when using the Pen tool remains unchanged.) - A button has been added to the Quick Toolbar that allows the user to turn on/off the "Falling by Gravity of Events" setting. - The ON/OFF button for View Collision at the bottom of the Map Editor is now linked to the ON/OFF for displaying the collision range of events. [h3][ Layout Tool ][/h3] - Added Special Formats for Layout Tool Various special formats have been added, focusing on attributes and information about reserve members. - Implementation of a List of Tags Specifying Special Coordinates in the Layout Tool Special Coordinate Specification Tags" in Container for Rendering and Container for Entry Selection can now be selected from a list of tags. [h3][ Game Definition ][/h3] - Rules and Operations > Use Default Battle Layout and Battle Layout Settings have been implemented. This allows you to specify a default battle layout for the entire game. Also, a switch to use/not use custom battle layouts has been implemented in Map Settings > Enemy Distribution, making it possible to not use battle layouts specified with this feature. - The height limit of 50 for "Change Y Coordinate of Player/Event" that was in the Rules and Operations has been removed. - In the Project Settings, it is now possible to specify the interval (distance) at which objects are continuously placed by dragging. This setting is common to both the Pen tool and the Random Pen tool. [h3][ Resources ][/h3] - The asset picker now divides sound types into BGM/Environmental Sound/SE for clarity. - When moving to the material edit screen from the "Material" section of the Properties in the Resources > 3D Stamps and Models screen, the material is now previewed in the model that is using the material. - Added motion for emotion marks to Emotion in the Resources > Sprites reserved folder. [h3][ Database ][/h3] - The range of status increases/decreases values for items, skills, and state definitions has been expanded. [h2]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h2] [h3][ Game Engine ][/h3] - Fixed a bug in the command script "Change Player Y Coordinate" that sometimes caused the player to warp to map coordinates 0,0 when pushing through terrain from below. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the event to be started again after the command script "Delete Event" was executed on contact-triggered events. - Fixed a bug in which when changing classes with a battle event, the status of the changed class was not reflected in the in-battle status. - Fixed the display position of the cast graphic for conversations specified in the Layout Tool to be displayed correctly. - Fixed a bug in which the "Enemy Level" specified and displayed with the Layout Tool was always displayed at 1. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a sprite with no eye/mouth layer contents was specified as a cast to be displayed in the command script "Display Conversation". - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when executing the command scripts "Check Collision State" and "Check Surrounding Collision Detection" within a common event initiated from a map, skill, or item. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a movie with a file path using non-ASCII text in an English environment. [h3][ Layout Tool ][/h3] - Fixed a bug that allowed the user to press the Add Part button in the Layout Tool even when the layout to be assigned was not selected. - The value displayed in the special format enemystatus[9] has been changed to the experience gained after battles. [h3][ Event Editor ][/h3] - Fixed a bug that prevented switching motions on the event sheet from being immediately reflected in the preview. [h3][ Map Editor ][/h3] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when renaming an entry in the Properties while multiple entries were selected in the Placed List palette. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the collision of the underlying object to be displayed incorrectly when an object was placed on top of it with the "Place on Top" button turned on.  [h3][ Resources ][/h3] - Fixed a bug in Resources > 3D Stamps/2D Stamps Textures/Images where resource and folder names were not linked. - Fixed a bug that caused resources with the same name to be created when a file was dropped from Explorer into each of the Resources menus. - Fixed a bug that prevented a stamp with multiple subgraphics specified from being displayed correctly in the preview if any of the subgraphics specified had blanks for both graphics and local lights. [h3][ Database ][/h3] - Fixed incorrect initial value for Generate Events > "Number of Event Generated per Time" in Database > Casts > Other tab. [h3][ Sprite Tool ][/h3] Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding a sprite set. [h3][ Camera Tool ][/h3] Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when editing the battle camera in the Camera Tool after test play. [h3][ Other ][/h3] - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused particles placed on a map to blink in a published exported work. - Fixed a bug that caused a freeze when quitting a published exported work while the map was being pre-loaded in the background. - Fixed unnecessary folders are no longer displayed in the asset column of the asset picker "Ready-to-Use" tab. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー The contents of Ver. 1.1 are described above. Thanks to your support, it has been two months since the start of Early Access. Our development team is very grateful that so many people are trying to create games with Bakin. We will continue to improve RPG Developer Bakin to make it a better tool. We hope that this Winter Sale will be an opportunity for newcomers to the world of Bakin, as well as for current Bakin users, to continue to enjoy our tool.