[b]Updated to ver. 1.0.3.[/b] The contents include the following added features and bug fixes. [b]--- Added Features ---[/b] - The manual wiki is also available from the "Info and Tips" section of the top menu. As previously, it is also available from the Map Editor's Help (H), so please click here while you are working on your game. - For the property "Layout to be Opened" of the Layout Tool Layout Part's Container for Element of Entry Selection, the selectable layouts are now narrowed down according to what is specified in the entry "Action". [b]--- Bug Fixes ---[/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an item referencing a skill that invokes a common event was the second or later entry in the inventory. - Fixed a bug in the rendering settings in Map Settings that caused an exception when minimizing a property that contained entries that were being edited. - Fixed a bug in the game where events added to that map or common after a save were not reflected when loaded and played. - Fixed a bug that caused resources other than stamps to be added when adding stamps from the right-click menu on the Object tab of the Stamp Palette. [b]--- Information ---[/b] - Support for Effekseer 1.7 is scheduled for the next update. We will continue to work on improving RPG Developer Bakin.