[b]Updated to ver 1.0.4.[/b] The contents include the following added features and bug fixes. [h3][b]--- Added Features ---[/b][/h3] - Effekseer 1.70 is now supported. You can use particles created with Effekseer 1.70 in Bakin. [h3][b]--- Bug Fixes ---[/b][/h3] - Fixed a bug that caused the splitter position in the "Conditions to Run This Sheet" field in the Event Editor to change unintentionally. - Fixed a bug that caused a higher value to be set internally when specifying the movement speed and frequency in the "Movement Settings" of the Event Editor. After this version, the correct values are displayed and specified in the editor. - Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Image" that caused a crash when selecting a sprite. - Fixed a bug in the battle layout that caused an exception if a party or monster was placed outside the area range. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a cast member repeatedly joined and left from the party in a battle event. - Fixed a bug in the map editor "Placed List Palette" where group name renames were not being saved. - Fixed a bug that caused the window to maximize when double-clicking the caption area on the Map Editor Quick Toolbar. - Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash if there was a description error in Game Definition - "Rules and Operations" - "Assign Input Device". - Fixed a bug that caused some dialogs, such as exit confirmation, for games exported using "Published Work Export" to be displayed in Japanese even in an English environment. Thank you. We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".