[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver.![/b] [hr][/hr] [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Resources][/b] - In Motions, motions in the Motion Set list can be rearranged by drag & drop. - In Motions, when adding motions to a Motion Set, the "Internal Name" fields are now specified with the same text as the Name fields. - The preview of the Asset Picker when selecting a material allows the user to see what the material will look like when the stamp or model to which it is assigned is selected and the material is assigned. [b][Database] [/b] - The "Obtain Item Parameter" panel is now available within the item's custom event. - When entering a calculation formula in the Damage Formula dialog, the selected entry is now inserted at the cursor position. [b][Others] [/b] - Fixed the Color Picker so that the Enter key can be used to make decisions on the Color Picker. Other minor UI improvements have been made. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying the same type of layouts at the same time using the "Display Layout Screen" panel. - Fixed a bug that caused both "Display Free Layout for Event" panels to be displayed even if they were not "Add and Display" when run simultaneously. - Fixed a bug that could cause a processing error each time the "Display Conversation" panel is executed. - Fixed a bug in which if a 3D model was used as a standing picture with the "Display Conversation" panel, it would not be displayed even if the same model was assigned as a standing picture after moving to a new location on the map. - Fixed a bug in which if the "Make Player/Event Walk to Specified Coordinates" panel was being executed and the execution was interrupted by a sheet change, etc., the target would be transported to the final coordinates. - In the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel, if "Carry Over Status from Previous Participation" is on and the cast member is in the reserve group, the cast member will be returned to the party from the reserve group. - Fixed a bug that caused walking to be interrupted if the player's graphics were changed while the player was walking by an event. - Fixed a bug where if events were made invisible over time, they could not be brought back from being invisible. - Fixed a bug where the "Recover/Reduce HP or MP" panel was not being reflected correctly in the internal values when used during battles. - Fixed a bug in which the grid widths of Chang Elements were not saved when the Event Editor Sheet was executed. - Fixed a bug where the size of the graphic assignments field for events in the Event Editor was not being saved. - Fixed a bug in which a button to add a "Parallel Sheet" was sometimes displayed in the Event Editor for Common Events/Battle Events. [b][Battles][/b] - Fixed a bug where, during battles, the increase in maximum HP/MP due to equipment, state changes, and skills that change equipment, states, or ability values would not be reflected internally correctly. - Fixed a bug in which the luminous effect at the feet would not disappear when the skill user was removed from the party using a common event called from a skill during battle. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when removing both the skill user and target from the party using a common event called from a skill during battle. [b][Camera Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused the camera to stop tracking after the camera animation ended when a cast-based event was specified as the camera's gazing point. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused screen distortion without correct interpolation when interpolating between camera frames. [b][Play Execution Issues] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented the physics-related processing of cast members in the Party Train at the map destination from being initialized. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug where double-clicking on a grouped event/object would always open the Event Editor of the first element in the group. - Fixed a bug that prevented collisions from being generated for sprite-based object stamps. - In the starting point settings (angle, scale, etc.), fields that are originally unchangeable are now completely unchangeable. [b][Game Settings] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which grid column positions were not being saved on the Rules and Operations page. [b][Others] [/b] - Fixed a problem in the Published Work Export function where the "Export" button is clickable during the export process. - Fixed a bug in the Event Template "All Purpose Button Treasure Chest - Get an Item" where the SE was not assigned correctly. [hr][/hr] [b]We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".[/b]