[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver.! [/b] [hr][/hr] [h3]--- Bug Fixes --- [/h3] [b][Game Definition] [/b] - Mouse wheel dead zone disabled (the option removed). The dead zone setting for the wheel itself was determined to be unnecessary and the option was removed. Direct entries in the input device assignment field are ignored.[u] If the mouse wheel does not work before applying this update, try specifying 0 for the mouse wheel dead zone setting in the "Key/Button Assignments" dialog box. [/u] [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused the following status changes to be cleared when using the event's "Change Cast's Class" panel. [list] - Equipping items - Use of items - Granting of states - Changed statuses in the "Change Cast Status" panel [/list] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to add the "Check Whether in Battle" panel to an event and prevented it from being added correctly. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that when copying and pasting a layout, the destination when pressing the up/down/left/right keys specified in the submenu container would be left blank. - Fixed a bug that previously prevented copying and pasting of submenu containers unless the menu container was re-selected. Submenu containers can now be pasted as soon as they are copied. [b][Database] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented scroll bars from appearing in the Change in Abilities/Advanced Settings field of "Item" when many statuses were added. [u]We will continue to improve the UI in this area. [/u] [b][Test Play] [/b] - In the Cast Parameter Check View, changes in status due to items were not being displayed correctly. [hr][/hr] [b]We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [/b]