[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver. 1.5.1! [/b] [hr][/hr] [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Database] [/b] - The Level Curve and Status Curve dialogs have been improved and functionality added. - When displaying single statuses in the Status Curve dialog, it is now easier to see the curve when reflecting the added value of the class/subclass. If you select a single status in Target Status, an additional toolbar will appear. [expand type=details]After selecting the class, you wish to apply from the combo box, click the "Addition Value to Class/Subclass Level" button to display a dotted line graph reflecting the effect of the class. The value of the reflection rate for classes/subclasses can be changed in "Parameter Reflection Rate", which can be set in Game Definition > Rules and Operations.[/expand] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/eb660621224b53987176fd9e4980a00adac7a987.png[/img] [h3] --- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Sound] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused the BGS to stop when opening the menu after the fade-in of the environmental sound. - Fixed a bug that caused the volume in Configuration Settings to be applied twice to reduce the sound when fading in the background music using an event. [u][b]With this correction, if an existing project uses a fade-in for background music, the volume will play louder than before. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please adjust the volume on the resource side if necessary.[/b][/u] [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug in the "Display Message" panel where the "Hide Window" was not working. - Fixed a bug where turning the Party Train on/off would reset the player's subgraphic state. - Fixed a bug that caused the player's subgraphic state to be reset when a member joins or leaves the Party Train. - Fixed a bug that prevented the status of casts in map placement from being obtained correctly after Ver. 1.5. - Fixed a bug that could cause all walks of the same type of events to be interrupted when "Make Event Walk to Specified Coordinates" was used for dynamically generated events with "Wait to Complete" turned off. [b][Database] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented negative values from being entered for the initial value of the "Class" status since Ver. 1.5. - Fixed a bug in which the "Parameter Reflection Rate" specified in Game Definition > Rules and Operations was not reflected in the initialization process for new statuses set for a "Class". - Fixed a bug where, for cast members who had a class assigned to their class/subclass, when the class was changed to "None", the class "None" was added to the tree field in Database > Classes. [u]However, the class "None" that was generated by this bug is not saved, so the data being created is not affected.[/u] [b][Camera Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented the camera from being edited properly in the Camera Tool when a map with the same name existed. - Fixed a bug in which the gazing point sometimes remained at the origin (0,0,0) until the playback button was clicked when editing a camera with the Camera Tool. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented camera playback in the Edit Battle Layout dialog. [b][Resources] [/b] - Fixed the timing of all overwrite confirmations to be the beginning when trying to add a file with the same name in the Asset Picker. - Fixed the Re-import Dialog to be displayed when choosing Overwrite when trying to add a model file with the same name in the Asset Picker. - Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary overwrite confirmations for images/textures when adding resources. [b][Test Play] [/b] - Fixed a bug that the values of attack/defense power displayed in the Cast Parameter Check View were different from the actual values since Ver. 1.5. [b][Others] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused unfinished theme features to become available. - Fixed a bug where event and player emissive settings were not being applied when changing Rendering Settings. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the map to be rendered centered on the origin coordinates for a moment at the start of the game. [hr][/hr] [b]We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [/b]