[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver.! [/b][hr][/hr] [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed the following bugs related to the "Teleport Player" / "Teleport Event" panel when "Use Variables" is selected as the destination. -- If the destination coordinates are specified with a "direct value", the next time the project is loaded, the destination coordinates will be 0,0. -- If the map ID is specified as a "direct value", it will teleport to map ID:0 regardless of the number set. -- Regardless of the setting of the "Auto" checkbox in the "Specify with Variable Boxes" column, it will teleport to the elevation of the terrain. -- If a map ID is specified, the elevation is calculated from the "map from which you are moving". [b][Battle Plug-ins] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception on the result screen when executing battle scripts included in older battle plug-in sample prior to Ver. 1.3.0. Although we have corrected the above, we recommend that users of the older battle plug-in sample re-copy the battle scrips folder from the latest battle plug-in sample. [h3][For Those Using Published Work Export] [/h3] Bugs are being fixed with each update. If you have exported and published your work with an earlier version, re-exporting with the latest version of Bakin will help alleviate any problems that may occur with your work. Please update your own work as needed. [hr][/hr] [b]We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [/b]