[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver. 1.3.2! [/b] We have implemented the frequently requested footstep sound when walking on an object (you can also give a "state"!), and as well as the string input from the keyboard. In addition, "slice animation unaffected by lights," "use of variables in battle formulas," "specifying the Y coordinate of the destination when teleporting the player/event," "rotating the map 90 degrees," and so on...! In addition, collision-related specifications have been rearranged to improve behavior. Please note that this may affect the projects you are creating. Please look at the updated contents! [hr][/hr] [b]- We have completely reorganized the area around the determination of what hits what in terms of collision detection. [/b] In event sheets, bugs such as events not hitting each other when "Collide with Player" is turned off, even if "Collide with Events" is turned on, have been resolved. [u]Please note that this is an improvement in behavior, but it also involves a change. If this affects your most recent work, please roll back to 1.3.1 and proceed with your work, and then consider changing to the 1.3.2 specification.[/u] Please refer to the following manual for specific behavior. [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Collision+Detection+between+Cast+Members+and+Events] Collision Detection between Cast Members and Events [/url] [h2] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h2] [b][Functions Related to Footsteps] [/b] [b]Added the ability to give objects footsteps or "states" that occur when walking on them. We have also added the ability to change the volume and playback speed of footsteps.[/b] [previewyoutube=aWt64FaQX9E;full][/previewyoutube] [b][Resources] [/b] [b]- An option "Terrain Assignment" has been added to the properties of the 3D/2D stamps. [/b] - By assigning "Terrain " to a simple collision of stamps, the "sound effect" set for "Terrain" and the "state" change given will be applied. - This setting is also valid when objects are eventized. [b][Events] [/b] - Added "Change Footstep Settings" panel to the player category. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - Added "Footstep Settings" to Rules and Operations to allow the volume and tempo of footsteps to be changed. --------------- [b][Resources] [/b] [b]- Added the ability to make Slice Animation unaffected by lighting.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/b8ba11cdbbd36935d881ebb3b7a936f397911415.gif[/img] The following settings can be used to create billboards with the tints of the image applied as they are. [list]Turn off this function in Resources > Slice Animation Properties > Basic. Turn off "SRGB" in the properties of the image used for Slice Animation. [/list] Lights, ambient, point lights placed on the map, and spotlights are no longer affected. Since it is not affected by lights, shadows will not appear. It is affected by Bloom, auto exposure settings and DOF. [b]- The ability to billboard objects has been implemented. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/91e0b66c00930ec84d70f9c237d642005b5e74ac.gif[/img] A switch has been added to the Resources > 3D/2D Stamp Properties > Basic column. This makes the object rotate and face the camera according to the camera position. However, rotation is limited to the Y axis. - The order of the Collision List in the Physics Settings can now be changed by drag & drop. - For models with terrain exported as fbx, we have added a map_terrain shader that can easily reproduce the same tint as the terrain. Specify this in the Shader of the Materials. - System project resources are now excluded from the selection of shared materials when adding models. - In the sprite preview, the scale can now be changed with the wheel. [b][Events] [/b] [b]- Added "Use Physical Keyboard" option to the "Input String Variable" panel and "Rename Party Member" panel. [/b] This allows for direct input of strings from the keyboard during event execution. [b]- In the "Teleport Player" panel and "Teleport Event" panel, the Y coordinate (height) of the destination can now be specified.[/b] [b]- Y coordinate option has been added to the "Make Player/Event Walk to Specified Coordinates" panels. [/b] [u]However, if the target player/event has Falling by Gravity turned on and the terrain is not connected to the specified elevation, the player/event will teleport to the specified elevation to make it add up at the end. Note that Falling by Gravity must be turned off in order for the walker to walk while also interpolating elevation.[/u] - Added "Group of the Last Skill Used (0=Party, 1=Monster)" and "Cast Number of the Last Skill Used" to the "Get Battle Information" panel copy source. - In the "Execute Battle and Check Results" panel, "Inescapable" can now be turned off and "No Game Over Even If Defeated" can be turned on at the same time. This will allow "escapeable and not game over" battles to be performed only on this panel. [b][Database] [/b] [b]- Variables can now be used in the damage calculation formula during battles. [/b] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/bb7669e3d3fee698524c38e2244b3de2d5bed8e2.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/2c07ec1b7d93ce2ff95eb88f9caa24367a0e9fd7.png[/img][/url] - Added the ability to change the invincible time for damage on the map for each cast in Database > Cast > Others tab > "Generate Events". [b][Map Editor] [/b] - The ability to rotate the map being edited in 90-degree increments has been implemented. Added arrow buttons for rotation to Edit > Scroll Entire Map in the top menu of the Map Editor. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/35e7d14717fce279ccb72202e1a818da37ec5f47.gif[/img] - Added an ON/OFF function that temporarily removes the Placed List from operation. Click on the lock symbols in the list to switch. - The Terrain: Same Type Selection tool in the Tools palette now selects adjacent "terrain groups". Alt+ will select only the "same terrain" ignoring terrain groups as before. This improvement makes it easier to select the placed area when a terrain group is placed with the Random Pen. [expand type=details]< Grouping of Terrain]> In each menu in Resources, tags can be set to group terrain or objects with the same tag. The tag setting field is located below the entry tree. When placing terrain with the Random Pen tool, it is randomly placed from the same group of terrain as the selected terrain. For example, the cracked wall in the "Dungeon RPG Sample" is made by grouping two types of terrain and placing them in the Random Pen.[/expand] - A new button has been added to the right of the test play button to allow the user to select saved data and start test play. The button labeled "...". - The Map Editor now scrolls the map when the mouse cursor reaches the edge of the screen while dragging. - In the Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab, the currently selected area is now highlighted. - When the "Falling by Gravity" setting of an event is changed for the first time, a dialog box explaining the effect of the "Falling by Gravity" setting is now displayed. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - "Management Tags for Items to be Displayed" can be used to specify tags for narrowing down the list of items that can be enhanced. [b][Battles] [/b] - After entering a battle command, if the target has moved out of attack range when the attack is executed, the target has been improved so that the target is changed to an opponent to whom the attack can reach. [b][Others] [/b] - When the window size of the execution engine is different from the aspect ratio of the Game Definition, such as in full-screen mode, the window is now displayed with a black band instead of being stretched out. [u]With this function implemented, projects created with a resolution of 16:9 aspect ratio will have black areas on the left and right sides of the window when test play is performed with the window maximized. This is due to the fact that the rendering area in the window is not in 16:9 ratio depending on the window frame. [/u] If the window mode is not full screen, or if full screen mode is selected by pressing the F4 key, the black areas on the left and right will disappear because the frame is no longer affected by the window.  - Mini map rendering load has been optimized. - We have applied the features added in this update to the sample project "Dungeon RPG Sample". [h2]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h2] [b][Resources] [/b] - Fixed a bug that was causing textures used for slice animation to always be treated as CountSlice. - Fixed a bug that caused an error when obtaining version information if fbx in ASCII format used certain line feed codes. - The path when importing an "exrbr file" has been modified so that it becomes [the folder name of the "exrbr file" without the file extension\original resource path]. - Fixed a bug in which when adding resources from DLC in 3D/2D stamps, when selecting "Folder" from the "Resources" tab to add, the added "Resources" folder was displayed in the Stamp Palette in the Map Editor. [expand type=details] For example, in 3D stamps, if you add the "Models" folder from the "Resources" tab, it will automatically be added as 3D stamps and appear in the Stamp Palette > Objects tab. However, at the same time, the "Models" folder was displayed in the Stamp palette, which is the bug. Objects in the "Models" folder look the same as stamps as thumbnails, but cannot be placed on maps. With this correction, this issue no longer occurs. [/expand] - Fixed a bug in which the "Optimize" and "Scale" settings in the Model Import dialog were not properly reflected in the preview and import data in some cases. - When checking the size when importing a model, the specified scale is now taken into account. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when clicking on an option that produced an image on the properties side when a folder was selected in the tree of 3D/2D stamps. - Fixed a bug in which the folder structure of resources was not correctly constructed in the tree when resources were added from DLC and export files (.exrbr). - Fixed a bug where adding a resource that was "created from another resource," such as a stamp, was not being added below the cursor position on the tree. - Fixed a bug where if a DLC stamp already added in Resources was deleted and the same stamp was added again, it would not appear in the parts list until Bakin was restarted. - Fixed a bug that caused both thumbnails and previews to be empty if the collision in the Physics Settings was not assigned to a stamp. - Fixed to display material properties in the asset picker when selecting materials individually/commonly for similar materials after importing fbx files. The behavior of the dialog that appears when importing an fbx file to select material-related processing is described in the [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?FAQ#q1b135df]FAQ [/url] of the manual. Please refer to it. [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug in the "Check Collision State" panel when checking for contact with an object, where the flag was not reset once contact was made with an object. - Fixed a bug in which when a battle camera was selected in the "Camera Playback" panel, the options displayed in the combo box did not match the selected option. - Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting an event across event types sometimes left a start condition selected that was not supported by the event type of the pasted event. - Fixed a bug in which raycasts with "Terrain" set to check in the "Check Surrounding Collision Detection" panel did not detect slopes and stairs. - Fixed a bug that caused some sheets in some door-based event templates to not change graphics. [b][Database] [/b] - Fixed so that the ON/OFF of "Enhancement" of an item is linked to the enable/disable of "Available Stocks". [b][Battles][/b] - Fixed a bug in which the coordinates for determining attack range did not change when a cast was walked using a battle event. - Fixed a bug in which when an event sheet was added to a battle event, the initial value of the trigger for starting the event was internally set to "When Player Talks". - Fixed a bug that caused the order of party train to not be restored even if the KO state were removed after a save and load with a KOed cast member in the party. - Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect casts to be displayed when leveling up on the result screen if an ally was in KO state. - Fixed a bug where local lights placed on a map designated as a battle background were not reflected in the terrain. - Fixed a bug that displayed the "Escape" icon in the "Back" command menu during battles. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused objects outside the map to move incorrectly when map was shifted while "Treat as Loop" checked in the Edit menu > "Scroll Entire Map". Objects with an origin outside the map are not moved. - Fixed a bug that caused objects using subgraphics to move twice (incorrectly increasing the distance moved) when the map was shifted using Map Editor > Edit > "Scroll Entire Map". [b][Camera Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that was causing the camera of deleted maps to appear as candidates for "Use Other Camera" in the Camera Tool. [b][Others][/b] - Fixed a bug in the battle plugin sample where the preemptive attack was not working. [hr][/hr] [b]We hope this update will contribute to your wonderful projects! Please enjoy using them. We will continue to improve RPG Developer Bakin! [/b]