Hello everyone! Ver., which fixes the problem identified in the recently released Ver. 1.3.1, is now available. [hr][/hr] [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - In "Free Layout for Event," when multiple layouts with the same value for the layout property "Priority" were displayed, the one displayed later would be displayed in the back (behind). [u]This will be a change from the previous version. If you are already using this option, we apologize, but please adjust your "Priority". [/u] - When multiple "Free Layout for Event" with menus are displayed, only the foremost layout responds to key input. - Fixed a bug that prevented specifying the "Layout to be Opened" when "Return to Title" was selected as the action for the submenu container. - Fixed a bug where some of the tooltips in the Layout Tool were not translated into English. [b][Battles] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused attack effects to be displayed on the previous target when a monster performed the same action against another target in a series of actions. [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug in the event template "Treasure Chest - Get Item" where the switch designation was incorrect, and items could be obtained as many times as desired. [u]We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you have such events placed in Ver., please open the edit screen and press the OK button once to reflect the modification.[/u] - Fixed a bug that prevented the player's expression from being changed using the "Change Map Cast Expression" panel when Game Definition > "Display Accompanied Members in Party Train" was turned on. [b]In addition to the above, the following adjustments were made to the sample game. [/b] - For the common event "Grid Move" in "Dungeon RPG Sample", the camera orientation and the player's orientation are now always the same. In the "Make Player Walk" panel, the camera orientation is changed to "Lock Orientation" and the camera orientation is assigned to the player's orientation at the end of the event. You can export the "Grid Move" event and import it into your own project for your own use. - Fixed a bug in the main menu of "Dungeon RPG Sample" that after closing "Notebook", the user could not operate it until pressing ESC again to display the menu. - The rendering settings for the Neitei village map in "Orb Stories" were adjusted so that the border of the shadow resolution is not clearly visible. [hr][/hr] We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".