[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver. 1.3.1! [/b] We have added functions to the recently released mini map player icon to reflect "Player Orientation" and to display the names of enhanced items from treasure chests in the message. Various new and improved features have also been added, such as the ability to overlap one layout on top of another when creating a layout to help with positioning and other adjustments, and an improved "Change Camera Parameters" panel. The contents are as follows: [hr][/hr] [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Layout Tool] [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/9b8f78978ae581c10c16e90f2075323e49865718.png[/img] - Added the ability to overlap layouts of other screens to check in the layout preview. Press the button in[b] the red box in the image[/b] to select the layout to be overlapped. Please use it for layout positioning, etc. Currently, there is only one layout that can be overlapped. The overlapped layout cannot be manipulated. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/5915e1fc0cfc0f8cd3898102a51d5b5c169951b9.png[/img] - Added layout import and export function buttons to the buttons above the layout preview. [b](Blue surrounded buttons in the image) [/b] Functions that were in the context menu of the layout preview have been moved here. - When using the special coordinate specification tags Balloon, FixedBalloon, Enemy, and Player, the position of layout parts is now added as an offset. If you are editing a speech bubble layout in version 1.2.1 or earlier, click the "Switch Display Method" button[b] (yellow circled button in the image)[/b] in the layout preview to make the outside of the layout frame visible. [b][Events] [/b] - A method for specifying the layout to be displayed by a string variable has been added to the "Display Free Layout for Events" panel. Display the same name of the free layout as the specified string variable. - Added "Name of the Last Item Obtained" to the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel. - Added and improved functions in the "Change Camera Parameters" panel. -- Added option to abort the camera animation and run it. -- Changed so that camera movement does not end midway when the parallel event sheet is switched. -- Improved behavior when duplicate changes are made to the same parameter. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - A new setting to rotate the player icon on the mini map has been added to the "Rules and Operations" section. [b][Resources] [/b] - In the 2D file import dialog, you can now select multiple motions in the Motion List column and change the value of the individual motion settings to apply the value to all selected motions. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Improved behavior when copying and pasting objects on a map. -- Improved the priority of pasting over selected terrain when it is selected. Previously, priority was given to "mouse cursor position," but this will be changed. If the selected terrain is outside the editor's display area, the camera will move to capture the pasted position in the center. -- When an attempt is made to place it off the map, it is placed off the map as it is. -- In cases where pasting occurs without specifying the position of placement in the map editor's display area, such as copy and paste on the Placed List, pasting is now performed in the center of the display area. This is to avoid users losing track of what they have pasted by being placed outside the display area.  [b][Others] [/b] - The following improvements have been made to the "Dungeon RPG Sample". - The names of items obtained from treasure chests dropped by enemies are now displayed in the message. The new "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel utilizes the "Name of the Last Item Obtained" feature. - During battle, when an attack hits an enemy, the effect is now displayed in the proper position. This is achieved by specifying a simple collision on the 2D stamp.   Depending on the "Position from Target" setting of the sprite used as the battle effect, only the "Y Size" of the collision has the following effect. [list] [*] If the target is "Target Center", the effect will be displayed "at a point half the height of the Y size of the collision from the ground". [*] If the target is "Target Overhead", the effect will be displayed "at the Y size height of the collision from the ground". [*] If the target is "Target Feet", the effect will be displayed at the feet of the target regardless of the presence or absence of collision. [/list] [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused a different entry to be selected than the currently selected entry when the properties portion of the Placed List was clicked. - Fixed a bug that caused the selection display (highlight) in the Map Editor to disappear after a copy operation. - Fixed a bug in which "properties for multiple entry selection" was not displayed when multiple entries were pasted on the Placed List. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if the TAB key is pressed while operating the System Resources screen, etc. [b][Problems Occurring During Gameplay] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which the "Change in Maximum HP/MP" value given to "Equipment" during battle was not reflected correctly in the game. - Fixed a bug that prevented the "Change Camera Parameters" panel from working during battles. - Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps in "No Billboard Processing" to be inverted left to right depending on the angle from which they were viewed. [b][Events][/b] - Fixed a bug in which it would always take more than 2 frames to obtain/discard an item using an event after Ver. 1.3. [b][Test Play] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when exiting test play during the transition to battle. [b][Other] [/b] - Fixed a bug that the images may not be rendered correctly in some graphics board environments, such as GeForce 680M, 780M, 860M, etc. [hr][/hr] [b]Please use the new features to create your own great creations! We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [/b]