[b]Ver., which fixes the problem identified in the recently released Ver. 1.3, is now available. [/b] The contents are as follows: [hr][/hr] [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Database] [/b] - Improved to be able to edit the damage calculation formula even if a skill is assigned to an item. The item's formula is used to calculate the attack damage when equipped. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Database] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused some options to become impossible to enter in the Database when assigning a skill to an item. [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which the "Teleport Player" panel did not display a field that allowed the user to specify the destination by map ID. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the display position was set to the upper left in "Display Selection" since Ver. 1.3. - Fixed a bug that pattern 0 was always displayed when displaying an image with several slices in the "Display Image" panel since Ver. 1.3. - Fixed a bug in which designated cast members in the reserve were not removed even if "Remove from the Reserve" was checked in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel. - Fixed a bug in the "Change Camera Parameters" panel where the "Time until Complete (sec)" option was not translated into English. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented a placed object from becoming selected when a stamp was placed. - Fixed a bug that prevented the quick toolbar from being displayed (content not updated) when a stamp was placed. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying an object together with an event in the placement palette and pasting it in the common event palette after Ver. 1.3. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - The player icon image in the System Resources has been adjusted and its display position on the mini map has been corrected. [hr][/hr] We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".