[b]It has been updated to Ver. 1.2.3! [/b] Implement a simple asset picker for quicker asset selection, a list of variables that can be managed in a tree format, copy, and paste terrain in the Map Editor, and much more. Focused on adding and improving features that enhance the usability of Bakin. Various other features have been added and improved, as well as bug fixes. Please check out the list of updates! -------------------------------------------------- [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Asset Picker] [/b] - A simple asset picker has been implemented. We implemented a new asset picker that is just the tree part of the asset picker, excluding the preview and other parts from the existing asset picker. (A button to open the previous asset picker is also provided in the dialog.)  We have applied this to places where previews are not needed, such as where the database specified settings (e.g., casts and classes) are selected, and where sounds are selected. This allows for quicker selection of various assets. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/8551e66c76678f04d20b66ad6bdc9f41cb3be84c.gif[/img] The process of opening the asset picker has also been sped up, and the speed at which the previous type of picker with a preview opens has also been improved. - When the asset picker is opened, various places have been adjusted to select a more appropriate asset type depending on the location where the asset picker is opened. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Copy, cut, and paste functions for terrain have been implemented. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/8e6e541c3fa40bfdaf8e9d5c5ef2c33cc1bc0995.gif[/img] This changes the behavior of copy, cut, and paste in the previous Map Editor. The behavior depends on the mode of the "Selection Target" at the bottom of the Map Editor. [list] [*] "Terrains Only ": Copy, cut, and paste selected terrains. [*] " Objects Only": Copy, cut, and paste selected objects and events. [*] " Terrains and Objects ": Copy, cut, and paste selected terrains and the objects/events that will be placed on them. [/list] - Folders with more than two levels of hierarchy can be created in the Map List. - The number of monsters that appear during battle tests in the Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab can now be specified. - Multiple monsters can now be selected and deleted from the Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab. Selection can be made by clicking on the icon area. [b][Event Editor] [/b] - The variable list has been changed to a tree system and improved so that it can be rearranged and categorized arbitrarily. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/312d433df2d41bca1a7dbc76f4b4920100b3a50e.gif[/img] [b][Events] [/b] - The event walking process is now paused while the menu is displayed. - Parallel events are now stopped while the save screen is being displayed. [u]These two changes may affect some events. Please be aware of them. [/u] - In status-related event panels, "Entire Party" can now be selected as the target in almost all panels that manipulate party status. - The maximum number of selections in the "Display Selection" panel has been changed from 6 to 10. - Added the ability to obtain "This Event's Name" in the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - Modifications have been made to the Layout Tool to improve clarity in its operation and display. We will continue to make ongoing modifications based on the following policy. [b]- Display necessary information and delete unnecessary information. [/b]  Ex: Container Management Number used for submenu containers and text panels is now displayed. [b]- Anything that cannot be placed or changed, etc., should not be allowed to change its setting.[/b]  Ex: In the dialog box for specifying special coordinate specification tags, tags that have no effect in the screen being specified are no longer listed. [b]- Make it easier to understand the settings at the time the part is placed. [/b]  Ex: When creating a new menu container or rendering container, sprite sets are now included by default in Effects. This is to allow for quick selection of simple fade-ins/outs, etc. - A special format called \newitem has been added that displays the image of NEW if the item is unselected. - The special coordinate specification tag "Player" can now be used on maps as well. Please use this tag when displaying free layouts near the player on maps. [b][Database] [/b] - Status changes due to skill/state changes can now also be specified as a "rate". Please select the Direct Value/Rate in the following section. [list] [*] Skills > Effect on Allies tab > Ability Enhancement [*] Skills > Effect on Enemies tab > Ability Weakening [*] State Definition > Influence of State Change > Influence on Abilities [/list] [b][Game Definition] [/b] - Multiple selection and deletion of Initial Accompanied Members and Items Owned from the Beginning can now be specified. - Added options to Game Definition > Project Settings to specify initial values for " camera rotation direction by operation" and "memorizing the cursor position". [b][Resources] [/b] - The contents of folders can be added together from Explorer. [b][Test Play] [/b] - The "debug window open/close status" from the previous test play is now retained. - Regarding the Variable List in the Debug Window, it has been modified so that events are displayed in the list at the "stage when the variable is referenced". [b] [Others] [/b] - The "Zip Project" function, available by right-clicking on the project path in the upper right corner of the Map Editor, allows the import path to be emptied for export. Import paths for resources, etc. can be removed and distributed when distributing projects.   [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Game Engine] [/b] - Fixed a bug in the processing when rotation was applied to a collision in the Physics Settings, where the preview did not match the engine.  [u]The engine rotation order "ZYX" has been changed to "ZXY" as in other parts of the engine. Please note that the operation of the engine will change accordingly.[/u] [b][Problems at Playing] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused HP/MP values to change in some cases when trying to change equipment while wearing equipment that changes maximum HP/maximum MP, even before the equipment change.  - Fixed a bug where gamepad stick thresholds were not working when the player control type was set to "Tank Controls". - Fixed a bug where information on the currently selected saved data was not updated when switching saved data pages. [b][Events] [/b] - For "Only Once in Parallel" event sheets, as with "Repeat in Parallel," the processing after the "Delete This Event" panel has been modified so that it is not executed. [u]Please note that the behavior will change. [/u] - When the original motion is played back immediately after the 3D stamp motion is changed, it is now played back from the beginning if it is a one-shot motion. [u]Please note that the behavior will change. [/u] - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when combining the "Loop" panel and the "Display Effect" panel without the "Wait to Complete" checkbox checked. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying a movement range that included off-map areas for an event. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception on the "Teleport Player" destination selection screen after Ver. 1.2.2. - Fixed a bug in which "event transparency state," "rendering specified changed by event," "image rotation angle," and "state of sprite displayed as image" were not recorded in the save data. - Fixed a bug in the "Change Display State of Player/Event Subgraphic" panel in which subgraphic numbers were not interpreted correctly when specified as variables. - Fixed a bug that caused some frames to momentarily show the background when repeatedly playing a movie using the "Play Movie" panel and loop. - Fixed a bug that caused the volume to be set to 0 when certain operations were performed after playing background music with fade-in. - Fixed a bug in which contact detection with other objects and events did not take scale into account when using "Make Walk Event". - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented up staircase events from being triggered upon contact. - In battle events, when using a message or conversation window for which Disappearance Motion animation was specified as the effects in the Layout Tool, the window would remain displayed instead of closing. -Fixed a bug that prevented the "Decrease" function from working in the "Increase/Decrease EXP" panel. - Fixed a bug that caused speech bubbles to be displayed at incorrect coordinates when "cast-based events" were specified as the source of the speech bubbles. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which the size of the rectangle when selected in the sprite display was sometimes displayed incorrectly in the Layout Preview.. - Fixed a bug that caused the size rectangle in the text panel to be displayed at an incorrect size when the text content of a special format was empty in the Layout Preview.. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect position calculations when rendering text in Right-Aligned or Center-Aligned. - Fixed a bug that prevented dragging small sized parts in the Layout Preview. - Fixed a bug that caused camera operations and rendering settings changes made in the Camera Tool dialog, which is displayed by clicking the camera button at the top of the Layout Preview, to be reflected in the actual camera data. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug where properties were not displayed in the Placed List when the map was switched. - Fixed a bug where a common event immediately after it was added was not reflected in the "Event to be Called Before Displaying Map" combo box in the Map Settings palette > Basic tab. - Fixed a bug where the checkboxes for enabling and disabling the Common Event palette were not reflected correctly in the game. - Fixed a bug where camera data was not pasted correctly when copying and pasting events between maps. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when creating thumbnails when using stamps with no resources allocated for casts. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the indicator for selecting a terrain area to appear when using the Fill tool. [b][Resources] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented stamps with "None" selected for graphics from having subgraphics. - Fixed a bug that prevented thumbnails from being displayed when images were added from local files. - Fixed a bug where the "Use Same Procedure for All Thereafter" checkbox was not working in the dialog when importing models. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented jumping to objects and events when the height of the steps the player could walk on was 0. [b][Published Work Export] [/b] - Fixed a bug in exported game files that caused the menu to disappear afterwards when the game was set to full screen. - Fixed a bug in which the DLL for battle system processing of exported game files could be mis-detected and disinfected by anti-virus software. [Test Play] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when entering a battle with the Cast Parameter Check View open. - Fixed a bug that could cause a freeze during loading at the start of test play under very limited conditions. [b][Top Menu] [/b] - Changed the operation method to Tank Controls when "Overhead View from Behind" is selected for the camera when creating a new project. - Fixed a bug in the Steam Workshop management screen where items smaller than 1MB in size were marked as 0MB. - Fixed a bug where changing the game file save location on the local PC was not reflected in the text box if the Configuration was opened first. [b][Others] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused the skybox coordinates to shift at the start and end of camera animations. - Fixed a bug that sometimes slowed down the test play process after closing the Database. - Fixed a bug that when the execution engine window was maximized, the lower right corner of the window did not respond to mouse clicks compared to the original window size. - For each tree view in the tool, a bug has been fixed where automatic scrolling downward did not occur while dragging when the horizontal scroll bar was displayed. - Fixed a bug in the battle test that prevented battles from progressing if the inventory limit was exceeded by items dropped by the enemy after the battle was over. - Fixed a bug in the default terrain stamp EP_rock_01 where a seam was visible on the side of the terrain as the Y axis was raised. - Fixed a bug where a variable name for the Orb Stories letterbox display event was not translated. - Added an event on Orb Stories' Scorching Cave map to return to the shore when forced to fall from a lift. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]We hope you will enjoy the new features in your game creation! We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [/b]