[b]We have updated to ver. 1.2.2.[/b] In this update, we have added the ability to publish layout data files (.lyrbr files) to the Steam Workshop, and we have added and improved many features of the Layout Tool as in the previous update. The addition of "Y Angle Offset" to slice animation has also made it easier to create games with characters that have images in only two directions (left and right). Various other features have been added and improved, as well as bug fixes. Please look at the list of updates! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Steam Workshop][/b] - Lyrbr files (exported layout data) can now be uploaded to Steam Cloud and Workshop. The .lyarbr file contains the sprite and image resources used in layouts. This new feature makes it easier for users to share their own layout data with others. We hope this will be of great use to you. [b]Along with this, we have also released two layout data for free on the Steam Workshop.[/b] [b]- SGB Style: "SMILE GAME BUILDER" style layout.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/820eef3db4d13a1ada8fdad7a79a7f1c21ad2bb4.jpg[/img] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966972173 [b]- Sample Layout A: A bright yellow and orange-based layout.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/27095c27ed660fd16dd4a920b0b8fb54e1343093.jpg[/img] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966973878 [b][Resources][/b] - A property called "Y Angle Offset" has been added to the Slice Animation.  Previously, a two-directional slice animation could only be created for the up and down directions, but by setting the Y angle offset to "90," it is now possible to create a two-directional slice animation for the left and right directions. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/d824a273707e1ee491c2d0776289a5ec0644b130.gif[/img] [b][Map Editor][/b] - In Terrain Raise/Lower Pen mode, when the Ctrl key is held down during operation, a function has been implemented to make the difference between the up and down steps four times larger than normal (0.25>1). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/881edb0a5ad4ad1d0690e697d79a0c3ed094051e.gif[/img] - Map size limits are now determined by the area of X * Z. - When creating a new map or resizing a large map, the system now warns that the process may be slow in some environments. [b][Layout Tool][/b] [b][/b] - The outer frame of layout parts can be resized by dragging. - Property values are now updated immediately when a layout part is dragged to change its position or size. - Specified values used for previews of the Selection Screen, etc., are now saved so that the preview state is retained even if the layout is switched. [b][/b] - Allows the common event specified in the submenu container action to be executed even when the Title Screen is displayed from an event during a game using title skip. - A "Display Return to Title" action has been added as an action for submenu containers.  This function works as follows. The Exit Game action that was specified other than the title is automatically converted to Return to Title.  At the title screen;  Exit Game...Quit game (application)   Return to Title... do nothing.   When other than the title screen:  Exit Game...Quit game (application)   Return to Title...Return to the title - Actions for the configuration can now work outside of the Configuration Screen.  Please note that some screens, such as battle-related screens, may invalidate the actions you specify. [b][/b] - The following improvements have been made:   - Multiple lines of text input is now supported.   - The property option "Use Multi-Line Text (Auto Line Break)" is now specified as ON by default.   - Text effects can now be specified individually (e.g. outline + bold, etc.)   - If "Specify What to Display in the Panel" contains special formatting of the type that displays an image, some properties related to text decoration that would otherwise be invalid are now specified as not configurable. [b][/b] - The following improvements have been made:   - The rendering width of input string elements (elements displayed in the special format \inputstring) has been changed to refer to the size of the Panel for Rendering Strings.    Previously, rendering was based on the width of the menu container, but now it is easier to adjust the size of the input section of text by referring to the text panel.   - The rendering container placed on this screen can now be specified to "automatically adjust size to match parent container" or not.   - Images used for decision buttons, etc. can now be specified in the properties of each layout. With this change, the option to specify input string-related images in Game Definition > System Resources will be removed.    The existing Input String screen will not be affected due to the conversion process. [b][/b] - Menu containers cannot be placed as layout parts on "screens where placing menu containers does not work". - The size of the menu container is now unchangeable on the Selection Screen.  The size setting of the menu container is invalid because the size of the Selection Screen is automatically adjusted according to what is specified in the Event Panel.  The above action was taken to prevent confusion caused by the ability to change invalid settings. - Visibility of the "Add Layout Part" and "Insert Special Format" dialogs has been improved. [b][Database][/b] - "Targetability" was added as an element of the State Definition.  By increasing or decreasing this value through skills and other methods, one can make it easier or harder to be targeted by enemies during battles. [b][Events][/b] - The ability to explicitly specify the target of an action in the "Specify Battle Cast Action" panel has been implemented. [b][Game Definition][/b] - Added the ability to dither objects close to the camera to make them transparent (Object Transparency / DistanceFade) in the Game Definition and Material Settings.  [u]This feature is activated by turning it on both in the "Game Definition" menu and in the Material Settings of the object you wish to target.[/u] [b][Battles][/b] - The timing of data loading at the start of battle is now done after the fade-out instead of immediately after the encounter. [b][Top Menu][/b] - A "Save Information for Inquiry" function has been added to the Configuration > System Report that outputs a set of environmental information and logs in a zip file format.  We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the file output from this function when you contact us to report any problems. - In the local PC menu, the history of the game file save location is retained and can be selected in a combo box. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Events][/b] - Fixed the display state of the player's subgraphics to be maintained when moving to another map.  [u]Please note that with this modification, if you change the state of subgraphics with an event, they will remain changed unless you "explicitly" change their state.[/u] - Fixed a bug in which when a skill was used with the "Specify Battle Cast Action" panel, the target of the previous skill activation was sometimes inherited. -Fixed a bug that caused the game to become very slow when using the "Change Event Scale" panel for events that use "Stamps with subgraphics specified" as the graphic. - Fixed a bug that caused the "Display Effect" panel to play the effect displayed the first time, regardless of the second and subsequent specs, when the panel was used with "Wait to Complete" mode consecutively. - Fixed a bug that could cause images to not load properly when changing the layout using the event process immediately after starting the game or immediately after moving to the map. [b][Resources][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when updating information on one of the models in Resources > Models when there was a "stamp on the map with subgraphic local light specified". - Fixed a bug that caused texture files to be copied even if materials shared with other resources were specified when adding a model, etc. - Fixed a bug that caused the volume of BGM to be lowered when resuming a game if the game data was saved while "BGM with the volume specified to be lowered in the Resources menu" was being played in the game. - Fixed a bug that could cause file path information to be corrupted when overwriting and importing DLC particle assets. - Fixed a bug that caused a shader compilation error to appear when using the 2Dmap_skybox shader in Materials. [b][Game Definition][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused a sprite called "None" to be created when "None" was selected for the sprite for transitions in System Resources. [b][Sprite Tool][/b] - Fixed a bug in which sound effects specified for the first frame of a sprite sometimes did not sound when editing the sprite. [b][Layout Tool][/b] - Fixed a bug where the special coordinate specification tag Variable[x][y] did not work correctly. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the value of y in the special format \$[x][y] is -1. [b][Map Editor][/b] - Fixed a bug in the terrain selection in the Auto Map Generation dialog where "Stairs" and "Slope" could be selected. - Fixed a bug that caused the motion of placed objects on the Map Editor to stop when the "Resources" menu was canceled and closed. - Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect application of Terrain Raise/Lower Pen coverage. [b][Others][/b] - Fixed a bug where exrbr files could not be selected when adding sounds from the asset picker. - Fixed a bug that prevented multiple selections by shift+clicking icons in the tree view. - Improved stability against crashes for OpenGL-related processing. - Fixed a bug in which English translations were not being applied to some of the Steam Cloud management screens. ---------------------------- We hope you will take advantage of these new features in your game creation! We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".