[b]Updated to Ver. 1.2.1.[/b] This update adds and improves many features of the Layout Tool. We have added features such as improved operation with mouse-based previews and exporting layout data that includes the resources used. In addition, we have added and improved features such as the ability to copy maps between projects by launching Bakin multiply and increased the maximum number of particles displayed. Please look at the list of updates! [h3]--- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Layout Tool][/b] [b][Layout Tool Operation] [/b] [b]- Operation using the mouse in layout preview has been changed to be similar to that of the Sprite Tool.[/b] General operations have been revised, such as zooming in and out with the center wheel, moving the entire layout by dragging while holding down the center wheel or the space key, and improving the operation of selecting parts by dragging and clicking on the preview. - Added a button at the top of the preview that allows the user to specify the background color of the preview. - The Layout to be Assigned column in the Layout Tool has been improved to make it easier to see whether the Layout to be Assigned column or the Layout Parts column is selected. [b][Layout Tool Features][/b] - Container for Elements of Entry Selection now can specify which direction the cursor moves to depending on the direction of entry. - In the "Effects" section of the Container for Elements of Entry Selection, it is now possible to specify the motion that will be played when the decision is pressed. - A special coordinate specification tag has been added to display the part at the specified variable coordinates. - Improved "Continue" as a layout action so that it can also be used on the menu screen. By using Container for Elements of Entry Selection with the action "Continue" specified, the loading screen can be called up even during the game. - "Display Discard Item Selection" and "Confirm Discard Item" were added as layout actions. By specifying these actions and Layout to be Opened in Container for Elements of Entry Selection, you can display the screen for discarding items. - Add options to the properties of the General Message and Selection screens to specify the number of letters and lines of text to be displayed and to check the image on the layout preview when the game is executed. - The Container for Rendering settings on the General Message and Selection screens is now specified to change its own size in accordance with the size of the parent. The above functionality has been added because these screens have a mechanism that allows their size to vary depending on the content to be displayed. - Added special formats for displaying extended variables. [b][Layout Data] [/b] [b]- Paste and export of layouts now includes the resources used in the layouts. This will ensure that the .lyrbr file exporting the layouts contain the relevant resources.[/b] - Layouts can now be selected for inclusion in the export file (.lyrbr) when exporting layouts. [b][Map Editor] - When Bakin is launched multiply and maps are copied between multiple projects, the stamps/casts of objects and events on the map are now copied and pasted.[/b] (*However, resources specified in events that exist on maps are not copied and must be copied separately.) - For frames of camera data for which the gazing point is specified as world, the camera position is now displayed in the Map Editor and in the Placed List. [b][Events][/b] - A "Enable/Disable Move" panel has been added to the "Switches" category to allow or disallow player-operated walking. -A "Change Operation Mode" panel has been added to the "Switches" category, allowing the user to change between basic and tank-controlled operation during the game. - For the event panel that performs operations on the party, "nth in the Party" can now be specified by a variable. - Added "Event Status (For Cast-based Event)" to the "What?" section of the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel. - The "Name of Shooting Source" for dynamic events can now be obtained in the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel. - A check box has been implemented in the "Play Movie" panel to allow the user to choose whether to allow movie skipping. [b][Game Definition][/b] - In the project settings, the default text color can now be specified when a new Panel for Rendering Strings is created in the Layout Tool. - In Rules and Operations, a switch has been implemented to turn jumps on and off in the project. The above switch can now be used to turn on/off jumps that were specified in "Input Device Assignment". [b][Database][/b] - Added a "Disable "None"" option to the "Fixed" column of the "Initial Equipment" cast setting. This setting will prohibit the "Remove" option from being displayed on the equipment selection screen for the equipped part. - The battle formula rand(min,max) has been improved so that min/max can be written in any order. [b][Resources][/b] - The confirmation of overwriting related data when pasting data has been changed so that only those with differences in content are displayed. [b][Others] - The maximum number of particle emitters and vertices has been doubled.[/b] [b]- The configuration can now be specified to reverse up/down operation and left/right operation of the camera. Accordingly, the default value for the vertical rotation of the camera for the controller input has been changed.[/b] - .xlsx can now be selected as the export format for the localization tool. - The mouse operation of the image/icon preview has been changed to be similar to that of the Sprite Tool. [b][Assets][/b] - Added jumpup and landing motion to all casts included in 2D Stamps > 2D Casts > Hero Casts in a newly created project with normal assets. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][System Resources][/b] [b]- Fixed a bug in which the sounds specified for opening and closing the main menu as system sound effects were not sounding. Please note that with this modification, no sound will play when the menu is opened or closed if no settings are specified for "Open Main Menu"/"Close Main Menu".[/b] [b][Game Execution Issues][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting "No Item" after opening the Item Selection screen in an event. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception if a deleted window resource was used in a layout when a game was executed. - Fixed a bug in which the player cast could fall when entering a sharp cliff at an angle even when "Disable Jumping from Elevation" was turned on. - Fixed a bug that caused the camera rotation speed to slow down while running. - Fixed a bug that caused a graphic error when displaying more than a certain number of items with 3D models as icons in a layout. - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect collision walls to be generated where non-traversable terrain was adjacent to each other at cluster boundaries. [b][Events][/b] [b]- Fixed a bug in which changing the movement speed using the "Change Player Movement Speed" panel would reset the speed when moving around the map. Please note that with this modification, if you change the speed of movement with an event, the speed will always remain the same unless you explicitly restore to the original speed.[/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an event using the "Display Web Browser" panel was executed in a game that was exported as a published work. - Fixed a bug in which null was set to mapScene when a C# script was assigned to a common event. - Fixed a bug that could cause the player to change to "Downward" if the orientation after the move was not specified in the event panels with location movement. - Fixed a bug that caused the player to move while the menu was being displayed when the main menu was switched using the "Change Layout to be Used" panel. - For dynamically generated events, a bug that prevented local variables from being used as pointers to array variables has been corrected. - In the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, fixed a bug in which the "Name of Shooting Source" could not be obtained unless Wait was inserted. - As for obtaining the "Name of Shooting Source" in the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, fixed so that even if an event panel is used to shoot events, the name of the first party member is retrieved if the shooting source is "Player". - Fixed a bug in which changes in destination coordinates were not always reflected in door and staircase event templates. [b][Map Editor][/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented the map paste button of Bakin in a multiply launched separate process from being enabled after copying maps in the Map List. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to select a newly added cast outside of the Database in the Events tab of the Stamp Palette. - Fixed a bug that caused the scale to be applied twice only in the editor when a "No Billboard" 2D stamp was placed and scaled. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a 3D stamp on a map with no material assigned to it. - Fixed a bug that caused extremely horizontal billboards to be hidden when placed on a map, even if the display area still remained on the screen. [b][Database][/b] - Fixed a bug in which copy/paste, etc. in the Database were not being enabled/disabled properly. - Fixed a bug in which entries for local variables used within a cast's custom event were not generated in the "Variable List" when copying and pasting a cast. [b][Layout Tool][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying a container in battle whose special coordinate specification tag is Enemy or Player and whose Container Management Number is specified as less than 0. - Fixed a bug in the Container for Entry Selection property where the cursor would not move properly when the menu subcontainer placement method was set to "Line Up Vertically" and the number of elements per row/column was set to 3 or more. - Fixed a bug in which the text color was not reflected in the special formats of the Input String screen. - Fixed a bug with Panel for Slider Operation in which the slider would not move when Frame Thickness was specified at "0". - Fixed a bug in which the display did not work correctly in some cases when a series of selections with different numbers of choices were displayed. [b][Sprite Tool][/b] - Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting sprites in the reserved folder did not copy motions. [b][Resources][/b] - Fixed a bug that created a new material when a material with a different name than the model's material information was assigned. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a local file for adding motions. - Fixed so that when renaming using "Rename File by Resource Name", the folder path is not changed if the file name before the change is different from the folder name. - Fixed a bug in which "None" could be selected as the material for 3D stamps. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when multiple files were selected in Add Slice Animation, and after the first image was specified with image slice other than 1x1, the second image was specified with the same slice. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a slice animation with a motion count of 0 was assigned to the player or events. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases when overwriting files when adding resources from a DLC. - Changed so that adding a model from motion does not generate a stamp. [b][Others][/b] - In each tree view, the opening and closing of folders with the +- buttons has been modified to be remembered. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding some slice animations from the DLC "SMILE GAME BUILDER Pack". - Fixed a bug that prevented events from working properly when the "door" resource included in the "Modern City Pack" DLC was specified as a graphic for an event template of the type that uses doors. [h3]--- Known Bugs ---[/h3] We have confirmed a case where the application cannot be opened from the taskbar when it is minimized. In this case, you can still save the project by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and selecting "Close Window. Then, please start Bakin again. We will continue to investigate and fix this issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]We hope you will enjoy the new features! We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".[/b]