[b]Updated to Ver 1.1.3.[/b] The contents are as follows: [h3]--- Additional and Improved Functions ---[/h3] [b][Layout Tool][/b] - The ability to specify variables as parameters to be reflected in the slider panel has been implemented. - The following special formats have been added:   - Display array variables.   - Display cast description.   - Display units of money specified in common terms. - An action can now be called from a menu placed on the Free Layout for Events screen. [u]However, this screen-placed menu behaves as "equivalent to the menu on the "Menu" screen of the Screen List". Please refer to the manual [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?List+of+Screen+Lists+and+Types+of+Layout+Parts+Used#vf1ce9f5]RPG Developer Bakin[/url] Wiki for more information.[/u] - The following settings have been added to the properties of the Free Layout for Events.   - Whether or not the player's operations are limited to menu operations during the display   - Whether the screen can be closed with the Cancel button - Unchecked parts in the "Layout Parts" column are now hidden when the game is executed. - The page mark is now always displayed on the preview when "Display" is specified in the page mark setting of the Container for Entry Selection. [b][Events][/b] - A copy and paste function for the sheet condition panel of the event sheet has been implemented.  This can be done by right-clicking on the condition panel and selecting the context menu that appears. - In the event panels "Display Conversation" and "Display Message", it is now possible to specify a speech bubble above the second and subsequent cast members in the party train. - The event panel "Check String Variable Box" allows string variables to be compared with each other. [b][Battles][/b] - Added playback of battle_walk (when walking in battle) and dodge (when dodging an attack) motion transitions during battles. - Fixed monster placement, battle test UI and default layout during battles. [b][Resources][/b] - For resources, whose properties cannot be changed, a warning message is now issued when the property portion is clicked. (This includes default resources in the reserved folder.) [b][Map Editor][/b] - In the Placed List of the Map Editor, the icon to show/hide placements has been changed to check mark icons to match the function. [b][Others][/b] - When a vertex error occurs during a middle-click test play or when playing an exported published work, a dialog box will no longer be displayed. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Layout Tool][/b] - When the special format "\currentsavemap" is used, nothing is displayed if the save data is empty. - Fixed a system layout problem that caused the window to overflow from the screen when a long string of text was entered for a selection. - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display when displaying icons with clipping during layout. - Fixed a bug that caused containers displayed as rectangles to remain invisible in preview view. [b][Battles][/b] - Fixed a bug in which class status was not being added to the status when displaying level-up after a battle. [b][Game Engine][/b] - Fixed a bug where dashing toward a gap between collisions could result in being buried in a collision. [b][Events][/b] - For the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel, a bug has been corrected in which the display order of right-click and center-click was reversed (i.e., the values obtained were swapped). In addition, a bug has been fixed in which the state of being held down (1 being assigned) was not being reflected and 0 was being assigned. - The following bugs in the "Display Image" panel have been fixed:   - The center point for rotating the image was not specified correctly.   - Failure to rotate slice animation   - Scale/rotation was not working in the preview of the display position specification. - Fixed a display misalignment problem when displaying centered text in a ticker. [b][Resources][/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the direction order in the File Import dialog from being reflected when adding slice animations from a local file. [b][Database][/b] - Fixed a bug where the state definition "Increase Movement Speed" was not being reflected. [b][Game Definition][/b] - Fixed a bug in which the camera's "Get Behind Player Automatically" operation was enabled even when camera operation was disabled. [b][Camera Tool][/b] - Fixed a bug in the camera tool that caused the X angle to go dark when -90 was entered (it will be replaced by -89.999). In addition, when a camera work in which the interpolation result passes directly above the gazing point is played back by the execution engine, an incorrect frame was inserted in the display. [b][Others][/b] - Fixed a bug that appeared in special cases such as "a space at the end of the game title" or "nothing written in the game title" when creating a project. - When multiple launching projects in use, the project to be opened later is modified to be read-only. - Removed unneeded minimize buttons from forms that had them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".