Updated to ver 1.0.9. The contents include the following functional improvements and bug fixes. [h3]--- Functional Improvements ---[/h3] - When a diffuse/normal/specular texture is set as the material for a model imported from Blender, a_n_rm is now automatically assigned to the albedo/normal/mask textures, respectively. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] - Fixed a bug that could slow down test play after opening the "Classes” of the Database. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the graphic on Sheet 1 of an event specified in the Custom Event Settings in the Database to be automatically replaced by the graphic of the cast. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when repeatedly executing the "Make Monster Appear" command. - Fixed a bug in which placing an allied cast on the map would cause it to be added as a reserve member of the party. - Fixed a bug that caused variables in deleted events to appear in the ALL category of variable labels. - Fixed a bug that prevented test play from starting if the saved data contained deleted cast members. - Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when adding a resource overwrite by selecting from a file in the Layout Tool. - Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the OK button could be pressed without selecting anything in the Add Layout Part dialog. - Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to become inoperable for a long time when manipulating the position of a mini map with the Layout Tool. - Fixed a bug that caused the engine to process very slowly when a mini map was used for free layout in the Layout Tool. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused light gray squares to appear on top of each other in the map editor. [h3]--- Known Issues ---[/h3] - There is a problem with the Steam overlay function displaying off the screen. Currently, we recommend that you do not use the Steam overlay when using this tool. To turn off this feature explicitly, go to the right side of the Steam library page in Bakin and uncheck the “Enable the Steam Overlays while in-game” checkbox in the Steam Library > General menu. We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".