Updated to ver 1.0.15 The contents are as follows: [h3]--- New Features ---[/h3] - When the project path is displayed in the upper right corner of the Map Editor, right-clicking in the path display area now opens the project folder in the Explorer. - Added state resistance indicators to the Cast Parameter Check View in the Test Play > Options menu. - Added links to the official website/YouTube channel/Change Log in the Help menu at the top of the Editor. [h3]--- Functional Improvements ---[/h3] - When removing ally members from the party, you can now choose whether to put them in the reserve or not, and whether to remove them even from the reserve. - The check for allies in the party for the execution condition on the event sheet can now choose whether to include the reserve. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][ Events ][/b] - Fixed a bug in which left-right flipping did not work when a sprite was used for "Display Conversation". [u] With this correction, if a character or other element is displayed using a sprite in a conversation event, the image will be reversed if the Flip Horizontal checkbox is turned on. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check if you are using the same command in your events. [/u] - Fixed a bug in which changing the cast to be displayed in "Display Conversation" did not specify the motion selected in the asset picker. - Fixed a bug in which scaling did not work when a sprite was used for "Display Image". - Fixed a bug in which events fired using "Generate Events" were sometimes affected by the "Movement Pattern" of previously generated events, resulting in unintended behavior. - Fixed a bug in which the upper limit for a value input in the command script for manipulating HP was 3000. - Fixed a bug in which a sheet with the "In Battle, Repeat in Parallel" event start condition for a battle event did not start executing when the condition was met in the middle of a battle. [b][ Test Plays ][/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented motions of some models from being played back correctly after Ver. 1.0.14. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash that was still occurring on some map loads after Ver. - In the Cast Parameter Check View of the Test Play > Options menu, a bug has been corrected in which the attribute resistance was displayed as 0 when it was negative. - Fixed a bug in which resistance values specified for equipped items and classes were not being added when the resistance of the attribute specified in the cast was 0. - Fixed a bug in Items > Assign When Handling Skill where the target could not be selected correctly for those skills whose "Valid Only for Those KO" was not checked in the skill's specification. - Fixed a bug in the success check when using a state change item on a map, where the equipment's resistance was not being added to the cast's status. - Fixed a bug where the camera's playback status, such as playing or finished, was not saved. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused events with Falling by Gravity turned off to move through steps when walking. - Fixed a bug where the target of "This Event" was the player when initializing the map, skills, items, and calling common events from the menu. After this modification, "This Event" will be ignored when it is operated by the above call. - Fixed a bug where the sound specified on the startup logo screen would only play for a moment. - Fixed a bug in which the text effects of layouts used in messages and conversations were not reflected. - Fixed a bug in which the text display position for messages, conversations, and tickers was not reflected even if the layout tool was used to specify the position. - Fixed a bug in which the display was not always updated when changing members from the menu. - Fixed a bug that prevented variables from displaying properly when the store layout was displayed. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when entering emoji during text input. [b][ Map Editor ][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between the display state of groups in the Placed List and the display state of objects in the group. - Fixed a bug where changes to the collision range of an event were not immediately reflected in the Map Editor. - Fixed a bug in the "Event to be Called Before Displaying Map" in Map Settings where the change of the common event name was not immediately reflected. - Fixed a bug that caused the object stamp thumbnails in the Stamps Palette to disappear when the Resources menu dialog was closed with Cancel. - Fixed a bug that prevented placing an event if a cast event was placed immediately after a cast was added. [b][ Resources ][/b] - Fixed a bug that caused some bone animations to be longer than the actual data in some cases. - Fixed a bug where when adding Terrain Stamps/Particles from the DLC, the assets were not being added correctly when a dialog box appeared indicating that files of the same name already existed in the project. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash when repeatedly changing material shaders. [b][ Layout Tool ][/b] - Adjusted the size of the thumbnails displayed in the Layout Tool > Layout to be Assigned list. [b][ Sample Game ][/b] - Modified the sample game to conform to current specifications. ---------------------------- We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".