Updated to ver 1.0.12. The contents include the following functional improvements and bug fixes. [h3]--- Functional Improvement ---[/h3] - For the player's walking process, a new walking process has been implemented that does not shift or bounce from side to side.  If Game Definition > Rules and Operations > "Use Inertia to Move" is turned off, inertia is to be 0.  If you wish to use inertia, please turn on this option and adjust each of the specified settings.  e.g.: Lowering the Damping Amount at Ground Level will reduce slippage. - Asset picker has been improved. - The UI has been changed to make it easier to find ready-to-use assets. - Added the ability to add resources from the DLC with multiple selections, including folders. [h3]--- New Features ---[/h3] - Test Play > Debug Window now has a function to fast-forward through battles. - An "Invisible Wall" event template has been added to the Stamps Palette > Events tab > Physics, which can be used to place restrictions on where the player can go.   You can place an event on the map and adjust its size to create a wall.  [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] - Fixed a bug that prevented resources such as skyboxes referenced only from the command script "Change Rendering Settings" from being included in the public export. - Fixed a bug regarding the command script "Select from Selection and Check Results" panel that caused an exception when deleting the top selection in the editor. - Fixed a bug that prevented images from being displayed when a variable was used for the Y magnification factor in the "Display Image" panel. - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented subsequent conversation windows from being displayed, depending on the command scripts combined between conversation panels. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting to change the walking speed of an event during battle. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting to select a target with a mouse click during a battle while the player was invisible. - Fixed a bug that caused pointer information of array variables to be lost when exporting and importing events. - Fixed a bug that caused the player to be affected by Terrain State Change even if the player was in the air. - Fixed a bug in which, when using the Basic tab "Event to be Called Before Displaying Map" in the Map Settings palette, depending on the content of the event, the player could not be controlled even after the process was complete. - Fixed a bug in which the cast's own accuracy and evasion rate was not reflected when playing the game from "Continue" until a status change, such as an equipment change, was made. - Rotation and scaling behavior when multiple objects on the map are selected in the Map Editor has been corrected. - Fixed a bug in the Map Editor that caused the eyedropper picked objects to change indefinitely while editing a map with many objects placed on it. - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor display from reflecting the results of editing the event collision range extensions. - Fixed a bug that prevented object deletion if the starting point was included in the selection. - Fixed a bug in which when an object was selected, the starting point was also selected at the same time, making it impossible to delete the object. - In the Slice Animation Import dialog, a bug was fixed in which the dividing line specified in Slice Size would change position when the motion was switched, causing it to be imported in an incorrect form. - Fixed a bug that caused some models imported from the Unity Asset Store to appear broken. - After resource files are deleted, the empty OS folders are also modified to be deleted. - When deleting related resources, the parent folder in the editor has been modified to be deleted when it is empty. - When deleting a model, a texture was not a candidate for deletion if the stamp used the same material. - Fixed a bug that caused events deleted by the command script "Delete This Event" to be restored by loading saved data. - Fixed a bug that prevented editing of the tag field in the Camera Tool. - Fixed a bug in which pressing Ctrl+C, etc. while editing an event in the text mode of the event editor would jump to the line with the matching initial letter. - Fixed a bug in which the default "Yes/No" selection was written in Japanese. ----------------------------------------- It has been a month since the launch of Bakin. We appreciate all the feedback we have received from everyone. We are also very happy to see so many fun pieces being shared on social networking sites. We will continue to improve this tool and thank you for your continued support.