[b]Updated to ver 1.0.10.[/b] The contents include the following an added functionality and bug fixes. [h3]--- Added Feature ---[/h3] - A link to the "Shortcut Key List" has been added to the "Help" section of the Map Editor top menu. [h3]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] - Fixed a bug in Ver. 1.0.9 where the target to be generated by the command script "Generate Events" could not be selected correctly. - Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the mini map could not be moved by mouse dragging. - Fixed a bug in the Map Editor in which the relative positions of grouped objects were sometimes misaligned when pasting them. [b]- Fixed a bug that prevented games exported by the publishing work export function from running in environments where the Visual C++ 2019 Runtime was not installed.[/b] [u]If you have experienced a failure to launch the sample game "Orb Stories", which can be downloaded from the top page of the official RPG Developer Bakin website, please download the game again from there and give it a try. [/u] [u]Due to this problem, there have been cases where games distributed to other parties do not launch. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if creators could try exporting their works again to see if the symptom improves.[/u] We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".