Two DLCs that expand the scope of game creation are released today in advance of the winter holidays, when you can spend more time creating games. And do not miss the launch discount of 10% off until 10am PST on , Tuesday December 19th! [h3]Introducing Downloadable Content Released Today[/h3] This 3D model pack allows you to bring a city with various buildings to life in your games. It contains 50 buildings of various shapes based on a unified design. It includes parts of paving stones to be laid on the ground of the city and parts to create rooms, such as wooden floors, walls with windows, and doors. A 3D model pack with all the parts you need to bring a terrifying dungeon to your game. In addition to basic dungeon components such as walls, doors, floors, and torches, there are also a variety of parts such as levers, a pendulum guillotine, and a steel ball that can be used for traps and puzzles. [h3]Launch Discount Overview[/h3] [list] [*]Period: Tue, December 12, 2023, - Tue, December 19, 2023, at 10:00 am (PST) [*]Discount Rate: 10% off [*]Eligible Products: [url=]RPG Developer Bakin Ultra Building Pack[/url] [url=]RPG Developer Bakin Dungeon Kit Pack[/url] [/list]