[b]Hello everyone! We have updated to Ver. 1.7! [/b] [h3]This time, a toon shader, blend shapes, and the ability to add consumption statuses! [/h3] [previewyoutube=j5wsTZcMoaU;full][/previewyoutube] The [b]toon shader[/b] can be applied to materials in the FBX model and parameters can be set to give the object a cartoon style appearance. It is now possible to adjust various parameters as well as specify outlines. [b]Blend shapes (morphing)[/b] can be created by combining keys in a model to create "clips," which can then be called from events. This function is mainly utilized to animate the facial expressions of 3D models. Conversation event-related functions have also been enhanced, making it easier to use 3D models as standing pictures for conversations. Moreover, the [b]consumption statuses[/b], like "HP", can now be freely created to have a maximum value and a current value. For example, "Create different statuses from MP to use for "magic" and "skills," "Set stamina consumption for battle commands for each character," and so on. You can use them in various ways, depending on your ingenuity.  [b]This is the last major update for 2023 with various other added features. [/b] [b]Please check out the details of the update. [/b] [hr][/hr] [h2] --- New and Improved Features --- [/h2] [h3][Toon Shader & Outlines] [/h3] - Added "toon shader" and "outline settings" to the Resources>Materials properties. You can assign a "toon shader" to a material in an FBX model and set each map and parameter to create a cartoon style appearance. We have also added new options to specify the presence of outlines, color, and thickness. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/3fc5ec8a97481a7865c6bd55e12b9a2e5f72324b.png[/img]  [b]For an explanation of toon shader properties, please see the manual. [/b]   [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Shaders] RPG Developer Bakin Wiki "Shaders"[/url]    [u][b](!)Bakin supports FBX format only. [/b][/u]  [u][b]For information on how to convert from VRM format to FBX format and import into Bakin, please refer to this page. [/b][/u]   [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Convert+VRM+to+FBX+and+Import+to+Bakin] RPG Developer Bakin Wiki "Convert VRM to FBX and Import to Bakin"[/url]  The implementation of the ability to directly read VRM format files is currently under consideration. [h3][Blend Shapes][/h3] [b]- The following features regarding blend shapes have been added. [/b]  It can be called from an event by combining keys contained in the model.  This can be used to add facial expressions to 3D models. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/a9b710dfd38ceeefe39c5758eeeb8b4a84ac62ed.png[/img]  [b]- A "Blend Shapes" menu entry has been added to Resources. [/b]  [b]- Added "Apply Blend Shapes to Player/This Event" panel to the "Player" and "Events" in the Event Categories. [/b]  [b]You can apply it in the following steps. [/b] [olist]  [*] Create a clip with a combination of keys in Resources > Blend Shapes.  [*] [u]Assign blend shapes to be applied to the stamp in the Blend Shape Settings field of the 3D Stamp.[/u]  [*] Assign a clip to play in the Event Panel. [/olist]    If you need to reset a key when creating a clip, use the reset button above the Blend Shape Preview. [h3][Conversation Scenes] [/h3] [b] - Creating a camera for conversation scenes & specifying rendering settings and the ability to select the camera to be used for the conversation scene. [/b]  This makes it easier to utilize the 3D models as standing pictures for conversation scenes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/1b647745fdf29940560af06c0c2157bf8bf39638.png[/img] [b] -- A "Conversation Scenes" folder has been added to the Camera Tool.[/b]    Select this folder and press the Add button at the top of the tree to add a camera. [expand type=details]There are buttons above the camera preview to place the conversational characters to the left and right. Settings particular to the camera for conversation scenes include "Cast Spacing" and "Cast Angle". Preset data for conversation scenes are included in the "Preset Data (for camera)" and "Rendering Settings" sections. [/expand] [b] -- A "Switch Conversation Scene Camera" panel has been added to the Cameras in the Event Categories. [/b]    Specify a camera for the conversation scene in the Camera Tool and assign that camera with this panel. [b] -- Assigning blend shapes in the "Display Conversation" event panel is now supported. [/b]    You can assign a Clip created in Resources > Blend Shapes.    [b][u]If the following Clips are created in the Blend Shapes, they will be used for blinking and lip-synching in conversational scenes.[/u][/b]    The speed of the blinking and lip-synching can be adjusted in the Input Support Forms. [list]   [*] Clip Name "blink": Key with eyes closed.   [*] Clip Name "talk": Key with mouth opened. [/list]    Note that if a 2D stamp is selected for the graphic of the cast to be displayed, it will be rendered in 3D if the "Billboard" checkbox is checked. [h3] [Consumption Statuses][/h3] [b]- A function to add "Consumption Statuses" has been implemented. [/b]  Added the ability to specify statuses with a maximum/current value, such as HP and MP.  [u]This feature will be further improved in the future to make it easier to use for items, etc. [/u] [b] [Database] [/b] [b] - The "Casts" and "Classes" Status dialog can now specify "Consumption Statuses" such as HP and MP. Damage and recovery colors can also be set. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/1b647745fdf29940560af06c0c2157bf8bf39638.png[/img]   - The "Damage Formula" and "Battle AI Conditions" of the cast can now use consumption type statuses.  - Added to the Basic tab of Skills, the consumption status other than HP/MP as Consumption Elements by the use of the skill. [b]  [Events] [/b]   - The following event panels have been modified so that the consumption status can be selected. [list]   [*] Screen Effects: "Specify Game Over"   [*] Statuses: "Obtain Cast Status", "Change Cast Status"   [*] Battles: " Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP", "Obtain Battle Information" [/list]  - The following event commands have been modified so that all consumption statuses are eligible for recovery. [list]   [*] Statuses: "Fully Recover Party"   [*] Conditional Judgment: " Display Inn and Check Results" [/list] [b]   [Layout Tool] [/b]  - Added special formats for displaying consumption status. [h3][Additional Functions] [/h3] [b][Map Editor] [/b] [b]- Added the ability to assign a color to symbol icons representing events without graphics. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/179ca080e396d24532c9278b95db8d6e981efb8c.png[/img]   This function is used to change the color of map-to-map movement events and key events to make them easier to distinguish on the Map Editor. Right-click on the symbol with an "E" in the Map Editor and select "Event Symbol Color" in the context menu. - When raising/lowering terrain, only the "currently selected objects/events" are now moved up or down in Y position according to the terrain. [expand type=details] Previously, when only terrain was selected for raising/lowering, objects on top of the terrain would move up and down with the terrain, even if they were not selected. Only the currently selected objects will move together with the terrain. [/expand] - In the Placed List palette, the deletion process of events involving movement, such as doors and stairs, has been sped up.  [b][Events] [/b] [b]- Cast level can be changed in the "Change Cast Status" panel. [/b] - Added a function to the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel to retrieve the current number of people in the reserve slots. [b][Battles] [/b] - Improved the battle message layout to skip the time for displaying battle messages if the content of the layout is empty. [b][Plug-ins] [/b] - Added "FixedUpdate" to C# script with always 60 calls per second. [b][Resources] [/b] - Zooming process by wheel and panning behavior by middle drag in model preview have been improved. - Material preview has been improved so that a stamp using that material can also be selected as a model for preview. [b][Others] [/b] - Improved color picker history recording method. [h2] --- Bug Fixes --- [/h2] [b][Play Execution Issues] [/b] - Fixed a bug that could cause local lights on the moving map to affect the background during battles. - Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if a map move were performed during the transparency/untransparency of a stamp's subgraphic. - Fixed a bug that caused the game to start from very high coordinates when starting the game outside the map. [b][Battles] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused member placement to be corrupted when adding or deleting members during a battle. - Fixed a bug that caused attack range calculations to be performed at the position before the move even on the next turn when a monster automatically moved to the front during battle. - Fixed a bug in the damage display process in map battles that caused the display coordinates to move to the map origin when the damage target was discarded. - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the SkyBox from being rendered at certain times during battles. [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which icon and standing picture changes made with "Change Cast Graphic" were not reflected during battle. - Fixed a bug in applying "Advanced Settings" in the "Specify Game Over" panel that caused the game to become inoperable at game over if the "Common Events to be executed after movement" were not assigned. - Fixed a bug in which when a party member was removed using an event when the reserve slot was full, the member in question could not enter the reserve and data was lost. - In the "Display Inn and Check Results" panel, the "Recover from KO" checkbox specification was not being saved correctly. - Fixed a bug in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel in which the function to assign a variable to a departing member did not work. - Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP" panel that caused an exception if a value less than or equal to 0 was assigned using a variable. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused the player to freeze when "invalid menu entry" was assigned to the submenu container as the "menu entry to move to when the cursor is pressed". - Fixed a bug in which the "Wait to Close" function, a property of the Free Layout for Event, did not work correctly only for the "When Player Makes Contact with Event" trigger of the event start condition. - Improved behavior when the number of columns and rows in the menu container is set to 2 or more in the Replace Members layout. [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented folder information in the Placed List from being readable. - Fixed a bug that prevented the lock icon from operating when copying and pasting groups in the Placed List. [b][Common Event Editor/Common Event Palette] [/b] - Fixed a bug that the view ON/OFF check was not being saved for folders of common events. - Fixed a bug that caused folder information (view ON/OFF, etc.) to be initialized when exiting the Common Event Editor with Cancel. - Fixed a bug that caused folder information to be lost when a folder in the Common Event List was selected, copied, and pasted. [b][Resources] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented exporting resources added from exrbr files. - Fixed a bug that material information in the def file could not be read if a material name contained a single-byte space. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting Cancel in the overwrite confirmation dialog when selecting a file with the same name as an existing texture when assigning a texture for a material. - Fixed a bug that could cause parameters to be reflected in the wrong subgraphic only in preview when changing subgraphic offsets, etc. [b][Camera Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented the Camera Tool from working properly when cast-based events were used as gazing points. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - If there are no layout parts in the layout of the startup logo screen in Layout Tool, the logo display will be skipped. However, fixed a bug that caused title skip to be ignored if title skip was further enabled in that state. [hr][/hr] [b]How do you like it? [/b] [b]It is our sincere hope that the contents of this update will contribute to making your game more enjoyable! [/b] We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [b]Thank you all for your continued support! [/b]