[h3]Hello everyone! Updated to RPG Developer Bakin Ver. 1.3! [/h3] [b]This time, we have implemented mainly functions that are useful for 3D dungeon RPG creation. [/b] More party members, attack range, a mechanism to enhance items, orthographic camera projection, mini maps with auto-mapping, expanded picture book functions, etc., etc., etc. We have also added a sample game to give you a better idea of how to use each feature! [previewyoutube=3CXX1wNGGRU;full][/previewyoutube] And of course, we are also adding features to improve the usability of the tool and further expand the range of games created! - Batch conversion tool for entry names, debug tool execution events and display of raycasting information, etc. - Add various settings to the Layout Tool, including events to change battle speed and move around using map numbers. This is a very long patch note, but please find out its contents! [hr][/hr] [h2] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h2] [h3][[Dungeon RPG Sample Game]][/h3] A simple dungeon RPG sample game has been added to the Game Gallery. It includes elements such as the dropping of enhanced items using item customization events, 2D-style battles, and the influence of attack range on battles. Please use this as an example of how to use the main functions of Ver. 1.3 for your game creation. [h3][[2D Style Battle Related]][/h3] [b]This function can be used, for example, to create a so-called front-view 2D battle with a background of 2D images placed on a billboard. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/c88a25a23a458e2e2a8ec39f2754a594f7133549.png[/img] [b]- A special coordinate specification tag DamagePosition has been added to the Layout Tool for displaying damage values and damage effects. [/b] [expand type=details]Damage values and damage effects are displayed with the position where this tag is specified as the origin. In addition, containers that contain layout parts specified with this tag will automatically add the effect of swaying from side to side when damaged. On the Battle Status screen, specify and place the tag in the rendering container.[/expand] [b]- A new " Orthographic Projection" option has been added to the Camera Tool. [/b] The size and visibility of the projected object is no longer affected by the distance from the camera. This camera is easy to use for creating 2D games. [h3][[Battle Related]][/h3] [b]This function can be used to introduce the concept of "front row/back row" in battles.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/389dcc31506359fb2adba3668ebef87a2cba19de.png[/img] [b]- Added "Use Attack Range" and "Attack Range Judgment Type". - Added "Attack Range" setting to Database > Casts & Items, respectively.[/b] [expand type=details]When "Use Attack Range" is turned on, the range values specified for casts and items are enabled for judging during battles. If an enemy is out of range during battle, the battle command "Attack" cannot be selected. The unit of measure for attack range is the battle layout grid; if 0 is specified, attack range is treated as infinite. All skills are judged with attack range 0. If "Attack Range Judgment Type" is set to "Line", diagonal distances on the battle layout are not included in the attack range. In the case of " line ", if the range is set to 1, it can attack "enemies with one grid between them". When "Distance" is selected, the diagonal distance is also included in the attack range. In the case of "Distance", if the range is set to 1, it can attack "enemies adjacent to each other horizontally and vertically". For example, to target an enemy that exists diagonally in front of one grid, put the attack range π2≒1.5.[/expand] [b]- Added "Rearrange by State During Battle" and "Restore the Original Order when States are Removed" to Game Definition > Rules and Operations.[/b] [b]- Added "Move to Back of the Party while Granted" setting to Database > State Definition. [/b] It is intended to be used to automatically move members who have been disabled in battle, asleep, etc. to the back of the group. [b]- "Swap Places" has been added to the function for assigning battle commands in the Database > Casts > Battles tab. [/b] Selecting this command allows you to change the order in the party during battle. Rearranging the order consumes one turn. [b]- Added "Reverse Left/Right Battle Target Selection" and "Reverse Up/Down Battle Target Selection". [/b] Reverses keystrokes for selecting battle command selections. Specify the order of the selection to match the order of the commands in the layout and the order of the party. [b]- The following can now be specified in Game Definition > Common Terms.[/b] -- Added a guide message to the Battle tab when selecting a place swap target. -- The Items tab can now specify the wording to be displayed when the attack range is 0 (unlimited). [b]- Added "Make Battle Rewards Level Dependent" to Game Definition > Rules and Operations. [/b] When turned on, rewards specified in the Database will be multiplied by the level of the reward. [h3][[Increase in Number of Party/Enemy Members]][/h3] [b]The maximum number of members has been doubled to "8" in response to requests for a larger number of members to form a party. The number of enemies appearing in a battle has also been increased to "8".[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/7026aeff96c637e56dad1ef6b4ae65c0f7aa8b24.png[/img] - The number of Accompanied Members can now be set to "7" in the Game Definition>Start Settings to allow for a party of 8 members. - Regarding the area where the number of enemies is specified in the Map Settings and Event Panel, it is now possible to specify up to 8 enemies. [h3][[Enhancement Items]][/h3] [b]Combine database/event/layout to create enhancement items like "Sword +1" or have them dropped by enemies. [/b] [b][Database] [/b] [b]- Added "Enhanceable" setting to "Items." [/b] Items with this setting are eligible for enhancement. [b]- "Item" can now specify a custom event to be triggered at the time the item is obtained. [/b] Keep in mind that the number of available event panels is limited. [b] [Layout Tool] [/b] [b]- Added "Enhancement Item Selection" screen. [/b] This screen will be used together with a common event that includes the item enhancement process. Please see the note on the System Layout for instructions on how to use this screen. [b]- Added "Display Item to be Enhanced" to the actions in the Layout Tool submenu container.[/b] [b] [Event Panels][/b] [b]- The new event panel "Display Layout Screen" can now open the "Enhancement Item Selection screen".[/b] [b]- Added "Item Enhancement" and "Change Item Name" panels to the status category of the event panel.[/b] - Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter for Item" to the "What?" section of the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel. - Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter for Item" to the "What?" section of the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel. [h3][[Mini Map with Auto Mapping]][/h3] [b]Mini map display function, including auto-mapping function, has been added. Various settings can be made with the following functions. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/c77ce9e144677b0ce5ee701db05fb5c587e487d7.png[/img] [b] [Layout Tool][/b] [b]- Displaying a layout using the special format \minimappreview will display a mini map on the screen.[/b]    The position/size of the mini map on the screen can be specified by the position/size of the Panel for Rendering Strings with \minimappreview set. [b][Game Definition][/b] [b]- You can specify which areas on the map will be shown on the mini map by going to Map Settings > Map.[/b] [b]- The size of the terrain 1 grid on the mini map and the color of the traversable/non-traversable areas can be specified in the "Map Settings for Current Location Map" section of Game Definition > Rules and Operations.[/b] [b] - Icons indicating the location of doors, traps, etc. can be specified in Game Definition > System Resources. [/b] [b] [Event Editor] [/b] [b]- Under "Change Elements During Sheet Execution," a field has been added to "Graphic Settings" to specify the icon image to be displayed on the mini map.[/b] The image can be selected from the Image for Displaying Map specified in System Resources. [h3][[Expanded Picture Book Features]][/h3] [b]New features have been implemented to enhance the monster, item, and skill picture books. It is also possible to filter by tags specified in the Database.[/b] [b] [Layout Tool][/b] [b]- Added a Skill Picture Book and added special formats for displaying skill status and other information for creating the picture book.[/b] [b]- Added special formats for Item Picture Book to show item status and other information. [/b] [b]- Added the ability to filter the entries to be displayed by tags specified in the Database in the cast/item/skill picture book.[/b] Additional settings are specified in the properties of the layout. Tags should be specified for each entry in the Database. [b][Database] [/b] [b]- The "Others" tab has been added to "Items" and "Skills" to specify whether or not they can be added to the picture book.[/b] [b] [Game Definition] [/b] [b]- Added an option under "Rules and Operations" to allow you to choose whether you want all cast members/items/skills to be listed in the picture book from the beginning or when they appear in the game. [/b] [b] [Event Panel] [/b] [b] - The new "Display Layout Screen" panel can be used to display picture books that have been added. [/b] [h3][[Item Sorting]][/h3] [b]Added the ability to "sort" ("rearrange") in-game to organize the many items discovered or created. [/b] [b] [Layout Tool][/b] [b]- Added "Sorting Items" to the actions of the submenu containers. [/b] [b] - Added "Sorting Type" to the properties of the submenu container. You can specify this when you specify the "Sorting Items" action.[/b] Three sorting types are implemented: by database, by name, and by obtained order. [b]- Added "Input to Execute Action" function to the properties of the submenu container. [/b] [expand type=details]You can specify action keys specified in Game Definition > Rules and Operations, and pressing the specified key during the game will execute the specified action. This function is enabled when the following is specified as an action:   “Call Common Event”, “Close and Call Common Event” and “Sorting Items”.[/expand] [b]- Added "Disable Auto Assignment Container Management Number" to the submenu container settings. [/b] [expand type=details]Normally container numbers are automatically assigned in the order on the tree, but this function allows you to cancel that. This can be used to add the sorting function to the "Item Selection" screen. See an example of its use in the DRPG sample game. [/expand] [h3][[Batch Rename]][/h3] [b]A function to rename multiple entries in a list at once has been implemented. You can also add a suffix to the name in a batch. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/084e2a86a9a4ff5b8cf8feaca8a75ed8f49438de.png[/img] Select multiple entries in the following tree, then right-click to display the context menu and select "Batch Rename". [b] [Map Editor][/b] - A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Placed List and Common Event List. [b] [Layout Tool][/b] - A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Layout Parts List. --------------- [h3][[Layout Tool]][/h3] [b]- Added special formats for the Replace Member screen to display the status of the currently selected member.[/b] The status of both members to be replaced can be displayed. Members who do not want to be replaced can be set in Database > Casts. [b]- A "Display Special Format for Party" setting has been added to the layout properties. [/b] For the special format that displays party status and other information, you can specify for each layout whether to display the party only or the party + reserve. However, this function does not exist in the Replace Member screen. [b] [Free Layout for Events][/b] [b]- The order in which free layouts are displayed can now be specified.[/b] This can be specified in the Layout Properties. The standard value is 0. The higher the value, the more the image is rendered in the foreground. If the values are the same, the one opened later takes precedence. [b]- A "Save Display State" setting was added.[/b] This can be specified in the Layout Properties. You can choose whether or not to save the display state of the layout when saving. [b] [Improved Layout Tool Operation][/b] - When an image with a No Slice setting is specified as the display image for a layout part, the size of the rendering container is automatically changed to the specified image size. - When pasting a layout part in the Layout Tool, only the name of the top-most parent part is now suffixed with an additional number (such as "_00"). - The display of configurable settings has been improved to switch according to the action specified in the subcontainer menu. - When opening the Add Layout Part dialog, the behavior has been improved so that the rendering container can be placed as soon as OK is clicked. - The display frame of a part can be enlarged without changing the aspect ratio by dragging the frame while holding down Shift on the preview. - The behavior of the preview has been changed so that when a part is clicked while it is expandable or contractible, if the mouse is not moved, the other part at the mouse position will be selected. - Improved the performance when changing the specified values of layout parts to speed up the operation. [b][Layout Tool and Others][/b] - The "Suspend Event Execution" setting has been added to the layout properties of the Free Layout for Events screen and the Main Menu screen. [expand type=details]The "Disable Player Operation" that was previously specified as a setting option stopped both player operation and events when turned on. This new feature allows the player operation and event suspension to be specified individually. [/expand] - For clipping by parent containers, the parent is now recursively viewed to create clipping with the smallest rectangle. - Added a new setting value to the Properties Control section of the rendering container that specifies whether or not to create a clipping area that includes the parent. - In the Discard Item Selection screen, obtained items are now displayed as candidates to be discarded in the field for selecting items to be discarded. [h3][[Game Definition]][/h3] - A function has been added to the "Rules and Operations" section to adjust the range of the player's "talk" detection in the event start condition. Please use this function when the range of detection needs to be adjusted due to player collision size or other issues. - In System Resources, the default image can now be specified when the rendering container and menu container are placed in the Layout Tool. [h3][[Map Editor]][/h3] [b]- A MapID option has been added to the Map Settings > Basic tab. [/b] The MapID is automatically assigned when the map is generated, but can be changed. - Added MapID indication to the Map List. - Added a new setting to the Map Settings > Basic tab to specify whether or not the outside of the map is walkable. - Faster display of the Placed List and UNDO/REDO for moving within the tree have been added and implemented. [h3][[Events]][/h3] [b]- Added "Change Battle Speed" panel to the Battle category. [/b] You can change the speed of the battle by specifying the "%". The maximum is 1000%. [b]- A "Display Layout Screen" panel has been added to the Screen Effects category.[/b] You can select the screen and layout to be displayed. - The event panel "Display Menu" has been added to the Screen Effects category. - Added "Teleport Player" panel to specify where to move to using map ID. The Map ID can be found in the upper right corner of the Map Settings > Basic tab. - A function to retrieve the current map ID has been added to the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel. - A function to obtain "whether operation is prohibited or not" has been added to the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel. In the DRPG sample game, this function is used in the common event to achieve grid unit movement. - Added the ability to get the name of the monster in battle in the "Get Battle Information" panel. - The "Change Camera Parameters" panel now includes the ability to specify the time it takes to change parameters. - When playing a movie with an event, the sound effect volume has been improved so that the movie volume is applied to the movie volume. - Added the ability to check the availability of specified items in the "Check Available Item Slots" panel. - Added a Non Cancelable option to the "Discard Item" panel. - Added a function to the "Discard Item" panel to turn on a specified switch when canceling. - We have improved the processing of the event template "Treasure Chest - Get Item" using the newly implemented expanded functionality of the event panel regarding the inventory. - The "Display Image" panel now inverts the image when the scale is set to negative. [h3][[Resources]][/h3] [b]- Improved the behavior of the dialog that appears when importing 2D images. [/b] -- Single images that are not placed on maps are now registered in the Resources as images specified in the No Slice setting. -- When multiple slice animation assets are imported, it is now possible to specify the frame size for each image (motion). -- Slice animation assets can now be specified as count slices (slices by the number of frames). -- Added "Up, Left, Down, Right" setting for Direction Order. [b][[Camera Tool]][/b] - For the gazing point of the camera tool, the coordinate value information (height, XZ) to which LPF is applied can be selected arbitrarily. "LPF" stands for low pass filter. The effect is that the camera slowly follows the coordinates of the gazing point. - The tree section now allows the reordering of cameras within each map. Since the camera belongs to each map, it is not possible to move across maps as before. [h3][[Test Play]][/h3] [b]- Added the ability to visualize raycasts to the debugging function "Display Collisions".[/b] [b]- An "Event Monitor" tab has been implemented in the debug window to display events being processed in a list format.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/a92d791b8bf710a3648af7d01d8e32430fad388d.png[/img] [h3][[Event Editor]][/h3] - Variable icons in the Variable Selection List are now color-coded by type to make them easier to recognize. [b][[Others]][/b] - Battle effects are now loaded at the time of command decision. This stabilizes the frame rate during battles. - The speed of the Database and Asset Picker has been improved when displaying information specified in the Database. - In the Battle Placement Editor, the coordinates of the center of the battle area being specified (the center of the yellow line) are now displayed. - 2D cast stamps for conversation events" and "icon images for mini maps" have been added to the normal assets that can be selected when creating a new project. The mini map icons are located at Resources > Images > BasicSet > Icon. [hr][/hr] [h2]--- Bug Fixes ---[/h2] [h3][Layout Tool] [/h3] - Fixed a bug in which the images of reserve members were not displayed even if the special format PartyImageIcon was used when "Display Reserve" was enabled in Game Definition > Rules and Operations. - Fixed a bug that prevented changes to menu container settings from being immediately reflected in the preview. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when calling a common event in the Free Layout for Events action and opening a free layout from that event. - Fixed a bug that prevented messages from being displayed in an event until the animation specified in the message window, which was not specified in the event panel, was completed. - Fixed a bug that caused child parts of containers whose visibility was turned off in the layout parts tree to also be selected when dragged on the preview. - Fixed a bug in which when multiple parts were selected on the preview and their properties were changed by Ctrl+clicking, the changes were not applied to all parts. - Fixed a bug in submenu container Properties->Control where an exception would occur depending on how the "destination container when direction input is given" was specified. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a submenu container with Container Management Number auto-assignment disabled during play. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases when using special formats to display array variables. [h3][Game Definition] [/h3] - Fixed a bug in which message-related window images specified in System Resources were not referenced when adding parts in the Layout Tool. - Fixed a bug that prevented the player from rotating smoothly when Tank Controls + Player Rear View was specified on in the Game Definition. [h3][Resources] [/h3] [b]- The "SpriteOrigin" texture setting was found not to be working properly, and the setting was removed. [/b] We will reexamine how to implement this function in considering its necessity. - Fixed a bug in which the skip selection in the overwrite confirmation dialog was not used for the next file processing when multiple 2D images were imported. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting Cancel on overwrite confirmation when trying to import the same stamp as one that already exists. [h3][Map Editor] [/h3] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting to eventize a stamp specified as "no graphic" in the Resources in the Map Editor. - Fixed a bug where, immediately after converting a terrain into a slope or stairs, the slope or stairs could no longer be selected with the mouse. - Fixed naming rule when groups are created in the Placed List. - Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases when attempting to expand the map size. - Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps to appear distorted when the editor display was set to "Perspective Off" using the button at the bottom of the Map Editor. [h3][Database] [/h3] - Fixed a bug that caused overwritten items to disappear when closing the Database with Cancel after pasting an item in Database > Items. - Fixed a bug in which the enable/disable decision for usable items in the Equipment and Skills tabs was incorrectly specified when assigning a class to a cast member. - Fixed a bug that prevented changing equipment even if the initial equipment was set to "None" when "Yes" was specified for "Fixed" in the "Initial Equipment" of the cast. - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect status values when a cast's status was changed by a "state" that was granted before the start of battle and the effect of the "state" was removed during battle. [h3][Events][/h3] - Fixed a bug that caused a crash if an event was discarded in the "Delete Event" panel before the event rescaling was complete. - Fixed a bug where the "4 Fixed Directions" in the "Change Player Orientation" panel was not working. - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the "Display Image" panel to appear as a black board when used consecutively. - Fixed a bug in which the "Walk to Specified Coordinates" panel did not walk along the terrain correctly when moving "terrain containing steps". - Fixed a bug in which images specified for "Layout Display Graphic" and "Icon" were not reflected in the layout when the graphic on the map was turned off in the "Change Cast Graphic" panel. - Fixed a bug that caused the Game Definition "Use Inertia to Move" to be turned on when using the "Move Player with Physics Engine" panel. - Fixed a bug that when using a raycast from "This Event" to "Event", it does not detect its own collision. - Fixed a bug where using the "Change Cast Motion" panel immediately after a defeat in a "No Game Over Even If Defeated" battle was not reflected. - Fixed a bug that prevented battles from progressing if the "Terminate Battle Forcibly" panel was used continuously or at the end of a battle. - Fixed a bug that could cause the skybox to blink black in the map preview of the Battle Placement Editor. - Fixed a bug in the battle placement editor that could cause enemy numbers to overlap. - Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be displayed when running the "Display Web Browser" panel in test play. -Fixed a bug where a Windows warning sound would be emitted when a key was entered after using the "Display Web Browser" panel. - Fixed a bug that caused the BGM fade process to not work properly when performed on top of each other. - Fixed a bug that caused the menu save to become selectable in some cases even though the event disabled saving. - Fixed a bug in the "Specify Game Over" panel where events were not executed when "no map movement" and "specifying a common event" were used. [h3][Camera Tool] [/h3] - Fixed a bug in the camera tree in which information on maps located in folders on two or more levels was not displayed correctly. [h3][Variables Used] [/h3] - Fixed a bug in the "Variables Used" dialog in which information on variable usage in common events was not being listed. [h3][Game Play] [/h3] - Fixed a bug in which changes in experience, money, and other rewards due to a "state" with a condition specified to be "released at the end of the battle" were not reflected in the game. - Fixed a bug in which the cursor could be moved to the window of the reserve member's side in the member change screen even when the reserve member's setting was set to "0". - Fixed a bug that caused object collisions to be generated at incorrect coordinates when a stamp with slice animation was placed on a map as an "object" and the object was moved to that map from another map. [h3][Battles][/h3] - Fixed a bug in which the attack calculation formulas for weapons held by enemy casts were not reflected in the battle results. - Fixed a bug that could cause unnatural shaking in the camera effect when using a skill. - Fixed a bug that caused reserve members to be selected as targets when attempting to use a skill that targeted the entire party. - Fixed a bug that prevented monster preemptive attacks from working properly. [h3][Other] [/h3] - Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to fail to start in a very few environments due to a flaw in the OpenGL initialization order. - Fixed a bug that caused after rearranging the entry tree in each dialog, if the dialog was closed with Cancel, the rearrangement made in the tree was not reflected correctly. - Fixed the display position of the player icon in the map view. [b]- Fixed the save screen layout settings for the sample game "Orb Stories". [/b] [u]The property "Layout to be Opened" setting for the "Saved Data 9" container on the save screen was incorrect. "SaveAsk_Master_1" must be specified as with other "saved data" containers. Please note that if you have created a save screen for your own project based on the Orb Stories save screen layout prior to this update.[/u] [hr][/hr] [h3]We hope you will enjoy these new features in your game creation! [/h3] We will continue our efforts to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". [url=https://rpgbakin.com] Official Website [/url] [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/ ] Manual Wiki [/url] [url=https://twitter.com/RPGBakin] Official Twitter [/url] [url=https://discord.gg/yKwuye2 ] Official Discord [/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/RPGDeveloperBakin] Official Facebook [/url]