Hello! The Early Access launch date for RPG Developer Bakin is finally approaching and the team is working tremendously busy. How are you all doing? Today, we would like to introduce you to the list of "Command Scripts" and "Variables" that can be used in events, which are implemented at the time of the Early Access start. [h3][b]--- Command Scripts ---[/b][/h3] In Bakin, events can be created by combining "Command Scripts" with various functions. First, the event editor, which we have introduced before. This editor allows you to specify the conditions under which events occur and to create event contents.。 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/9816b88513a073694f89e2220d4de6f4554f4f18.jpg[/img] The event editor is available in panel format as well as text format. The text format takes some getting used to in order to grasp the flow of events, but it is useful for copying parts of an event because it can show more information on one screen. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/09577ff581ad8496c104bf8dda85baf4246a0046.jpg[/img] Events can be exported and imported so that they can be used in other projects or used by others. (However, resources used within the event must be given separately.) And here is a list of the "Command Scripts" that have been implemented at this time for use in creating events. (GIF animation) (The Command Scripts with light gray Command Scripts names are panels exclusively for the making of battle events which only work during battles.) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/15037796319d7457e9d24dd08187882fe2b52b82.gif[/img] A variety of command scripts are available, ranging from simple functions such as displaying an image or playing a sound, to complex manipulations of variable contents. [h3][b]--- "Variables” and "Variable Labels” ---[/b][/h3] Bakin offers event switches and "variables" such as values, text, and array variables in various "Command Scripts". It is also possible to specify "local variables that are referenced only within that event”. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/c31a7773ef62f67580c9093f71fcbaa6fa6e7669.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/79dc2216c8a01a383382fe7f3b2bfcec7f40ab15.png[/img] The "variable labels" list the variables specified at each of these locations in the game. In this dialog, not only can you see what variables are being specified, you can also see how the values of the variables are used in events. It is also possible to open the event sheet in which the variable is used and immediately edit how the variable is used. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/10c86b83c2385359ea96c10bb828a164b58f972a.jpg[/img] Using variables effectively, you can manage the progress of events and change the outcome of events according to the situation. Be sure to take advantage of this when you're creating your events! ------------------------------- By making full use of the "Command Scripts" and "Variables" introduced in this article, you can create events ranging from so-called "conversation scenes" to large-scale events that can be called a system for managing the flow of the entire game. We encourage you to create events that fulfill your ideas!