[b]Hello everyone! Many thanks to all of you, "RPG Developer Bakin" has celebrated one year since its Early Access launch! [/b] [b]We are pleased to announce Ver. 1.5, the 37th update in the year since its release! [/b] [previewyoutube=vrH4AF8uddM;full][/previewyoutube] This time, we have implemented functions to increase the timing of intervention in battle scenes and to facilitate changes and the flow of battles. By combining the functions added to the event panels, you can expand the range of expressions and systems for battles. In addition, the ability to add cast and class statuses were implemented. For example, you can add statuses such as "Skill Defense" and "Luck," which can be referenced from damage formulas, events, Layout Tool, etc. How you utilize the added statuses in the game is up to you! The Database also has additional functions to further customize level and status growth curves. In addition, the Layout Tool now can make menu decisions with a single click. By combining this functionality with Free Layout, it is possible to activate it simply by clicking on an image button on the screen. [b]Please check out the contents of this update, which adds a variety of new features![/b] [hr][/hr] [h3] --- New and Improved Features ---[/h3] [b][Adding Statuses, Level and Status Growth Curve Adjustment] [/b] [b][Database] [/b] [b]- A "Status Editor" dialog has been implemented to add/delete statuses. [/b] It can be opened from the button in the Basic tab under "Casts" and "Classes". You can add statuses, set names, keywords and numbers to refer to them. [u]Please note that the added statuses must be set in the Damage Formula to be reflected in battles. [/u] [url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/d5312bc77b266fd798bf4818034858c744fd79b3.png][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/e8680ce803268f4bfcb2be8542231edfb903a868.png[/img][/url] [b]- A "Status Curve" dialog has been implemented to allow customization of the status growth curve. - A "Level Curve" dialog has been implemented to customize the amount of experience required to reach each level. [/b] Both dialogs can be opened from the newly created buttons in the Basic tab of Database > Casts or Classes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42509419/e4da9f43c558e24ff1cfa2d329fdd7b92787e29f.png[/img] [expand type=details]-- The "Relative Value" option in the "Level Curve" and the individual status options in the "Status Curve" also allow you to select multiple cells and enter values so that the same value is reflected in each cell. -- The "Addition Value to Class/Subclass Level" in the "Status Curve" dialog opened from the Casts section is a function for displaying a graph that includes the effect of the class assigned to the cast. This function is only available when an individual status is selected as "Target Status". Click on "Addition Value to Class Level" to turn it on, then enter the value in the spin box next to it. A dotted line graph will be displayed with the status value added of "[cast level + set value] class level".[/expand] [b][Events] [/b] - Added "Obtain Cast Status" panel and "Obtain Item Parameter" panel to the "Statuses" category and "Variable Boxes" category. - The following event panel UI has been modified to accommodate the addition/deletion of statuses. --"Item Enhancement" panel --"Change Cast Status" panel (renamed from "Increase/Decrease Cast's Ability Value") --"Get Battle Information" panel [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - With the ability to add statuses, the special format parameters used to display status-related information have been changed. The existing parameters are retained, so there is no need to change the current layout data. For parameters, see "Special Format Parameter Details" on the right side of the Special Format Insert Dialog when you select the appropriate special format in the dialog. - Added the special format \growthfactorname which displays the status name. [b][Related to Battle Scene Customization] [/b] [b][Events][/b] [b]- The timing for inserting battle events has been increased, making it easier to add various effects and dramatic elements to the battle scene. [/b]   -- The start condition for battle events has been increased.    Added options for event sheets of battle events: At the Beginning/End of Action and When Command Selection Starts/is Decided.   -- The following information can now be obtained from the "Obtain Battle Information" panel.     -- Index of cast during currently in action or command selection     -- Type of action and attack target of the cast currently in action   -- The "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP" panel has been modified to use a formula for damage.     [expand type=details]By using this panel and a panel to place wait times in the common event called from a skill, it is possible to express the damage display as if it were displayed continuously.[/expand]   -- Enhanced battle test function.     -- Added the ability to save and restore party settings.     -- The level of class can also be set. [b][Database] [/b] [b]- Added "Activate after Completion of Common Event" to the Basic tab of Skills. [/b] This makes it easier to "activate a skill after the cut-in effect". [b]- In the Casts > "Battles" tab, the Bare Handed Damege formula can now be set.[/b] - The "Ability Enhancement/Weakening" field of the "Effects on Allies/Enemies" tab of the "Skills" now includes the user-added status as a target of the ability change. - In the "Influence on Abilities" column of the Status Definition > "Influence of State Change" tab, user-added status can now be included in the scope of ability change. [b][Game Definition] [/b] - A function to change the color of the numbers in the battle damage display has been implemented in the "Rules and Operations" section. The color can be changed for each of HP damage, MP damage, critical, HP recovery, and MP recovery. ---------------------- [b][Layout Tool] [/b] [b]- An option has been added to the properties of the menu container that allows the player to select whether the menu decision action can be performed with a single click. [/b] - Added special formats for displaying the consumable items of the currently selected skill in the menu.  In addition, it is now possible to automatically disable the display of options that have not been specified in the Database regarding the HP/MP/items consumed by the currently selected skill. [expand type=details]For example, if the HP consumption of Skill A is specified as 10 and the consumed item is "10 gems," even if the display of MP consumption is specified in the layout data, it can be automatically hidden in the game. Please refer to the description section of the skill being selected on the Skill Selection screen in the System Layout. [/expand] [b][Events] [/b] - Added the ability to obtain analog values for each axis using the "Operation Key" in the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel.   (Analog) is an input type that allows obtaining the strength of the input as a decimal value between 0 and 1, if the gamepad supports analog input.   If digital input is made with a device such as a keyboard or directional keys, the value will be 0 or 1. - Improved the player's operation to be allowed when a conversation/message is displayed in a parallel event. - About the "Call C# Program" panel: bool return/parameters and Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2/Vector3/Vector4 style parameters are now supported. [h3] --- Bug Fixes ---[/h3] [b][Map Editor] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of a map in a project immediately after it was newly created. - When rotating an object on the editor, the object is now not placed on top of the object, even when "Place on Top" is ON. - Fixed a bug that could cause the delete operation on the Common Events palette to not work correctly. - The behavior of the Quick Toolbar when locked in the Placed List palette has been modified to be matched with objects and events. - Fixed a bug that could cause destination symbols that still had referents to disappear. [b][Layout Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug in which the set display origin was not accurately reflected when multiple lines were displayed in the text panel of the Layout Tool. [u][b]For example, when two lines of text were displayed in a text panel with the display origin centered, the center of the first line was displayed as the origin. This correction will allow the text panel to be centered correctly. This may affect the layout you have created, so please take a moment to check your project. [/b][/u] - Fixed a bug that caused "Enhanceable Items" to always appear at the top of the list when "Database Order" sorting was used in the layout properties. - Fixed a bug that caused the layout of speech bubbles to be corrupted when trying to display long text that could not be displayed in the size set in the properties of the layout part in the speech bubble. - Fixed a bug that caused shortcut keys such as Ctrl+C to react incorrectly while renaming layout parts. - Fixed behavior so that Free Layout for Event screens displayed from menus, etc., can be hidden by the event's Free Layout for Event hide process. - Fixed a bug in "Skill Activator Selection" where the auto-sort setting for skills was not working. [b][Database] [/b] - In the battle formula, a bug has been corrected in which the calculation order was not calculated correctly when operators of the same priority, such as * and /, + and -, were arranged without parentheses. [u][b]As a result of the above, the calculation results of the existing formulas may change. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. [/b][/u] - Fixed a bug in which the damage formula was not correctly reflected when colliding with a cast whose type setting was "Enemy" or "Both" on a map. [u]Please note that in cases where random numbers are used in the damage formula, the damage will vary. The default damage formula includes a random number (rand) added to the end of the formula.  (max(a.atk / 2.5 - b.def / 4, 0) + a.eatk * b.edef) * rand(0.9, 1)[/u] - Fixed a bug in which changes in the status of percentage-designated states/equipped items were not reflected correctly when leveling up or loading game save data. [b][Resources] [/b] - Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying or pasting while changing the motion name in the sprite. - Fixed a bug that prevented adding resources by dragging and dropping .exrbr files into the resource file tree or Map Editor. - Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to crash when attempting to add an incorrectly formatted sound file. [b][Play Execution Issues] [/b] - Fixed a bug where if the player was on an event and the event sheet change occurred and the size of the collision changed, the riding state could not be released. - Fixed a bug in which the "color of the hidden part" of the cast member who newly took the lead became transparent when the first cast member finished a battle in the KO state and the order of the Party Train was switched. [b][Battles] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented skills with a common event set to be called when the skill target is "None" for both allies and enemies from being activated during battles. - Fixed a bug in which the scale of events placed on the battle background was not reflected. - Fixed a bug that prevented the "Make Battle Cast as Operation Target" panel from displaying emoticons and effects targeting "This Event" during battles and events. [b][Sprite Tool] [/b] - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused images to become unintentionally transparent when editing various "Change Methods" in the properties of a new frame using the Sprite Tool. [b][Events] [/b] - Fixed a bug that prevented mouse dragging to scroll the event edit screen after Ver. 1.3.2. - Fixed a bug that "Orientation after Move" in the "Teleport Event" panel was no longer reflected after Ver. 1.3.2. - In panels where cast status and item parameters can be saved in variable boxes, a bug has been corrected that could cause layout corruption in certain selected states. [b][Others] [/b] - Fixed a bug where particles placed directly on a map were sometimes not displayed. - Fixed a bug that caused the bumps to be reversed in some cases in models that used inverted normal maps. - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor from being restored from the Windows taskbar after minimizing it. [hr][/hr] [b]How did you like it? We hope that the new features we have added will help you create wonderful creations! We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin". Thank you all for your continued support![/b]