[h2]"RPG Developer Bakin," which allows you to create RPGs without programming, is available in Chinese![/h2] "RPG Developer Bakin" is a game creation tool that combines ease of use and high features, making it easy for anyone to create games inspired by "your world". It includes a map editor that allows you to create maps as if you were playing a game, an event creation system that controls the game by simply arranging panels with functions, a database that provides detailed character status settings, advanced screen effect settings that can dramatically change sceneries, and many other tools. Graphics and sound assets are also provided, so you can start creating "your game" right away. Early Access on Steam began in October 2022 in Japanese/English, and we are working to improve and add features with creator requests for commercialization. And now we are pleased to announce that the Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) version will be available on March 7, 2024. The names of the various tools as well as tool descriptions will be written in Chinese. Please take this opportunity to try your hand at creating games with Bakin. [b]- RPG Developer Bakin Chinese Version Promotional Movie: [/b] https://youtu.be/fg0Bx-GIskY - RPG Developer Bakin Chinese Version Release Overview Scheduled Release Date: March 7, 2024 (Thursday) Scheduled Implementation Contents: Added Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) to the tool's language selection. (Names and descriptions of the various tools are now in Simplified/Traditional Chinese. [h3]- "RPG Developer Bakin" Weibo Follow & Repost Promotion to Commemorate the Release of the Chinese Version[/h3] Along with the release of the Chinese version of Bakin, we have added a Chinese version of the official website and opened official accounts on Weibo and Bilibili for the Chinese creators. We will be posting information about Bakin in Chinese from now on as well, so please stay tuned. In addition, an "RPG Developer Bakin" Weibo Follow & Repost Promotion will be conducted to commemorate the release of the Chinese version. Follow Bakin's official Weibo account and repost the relevant post to win a set of "RPG Developer Bakin" and 9 DLCs for six winners. [b]- Promotion Overview[/b] [list] [*] Title: "RPG Developer Bakin" Chinese Version Release Commemorative Promotion [*] Period: March 1, 2024 (Friday) - March 17, 2024 (Sunday) 11:59 p.m. [*] How to Apply: Follow the following Weibo accounts and repost the relevant post. [*] Eligible Account to Follow: [url=https://weibo.com/rpgbakin/]@RPGDeveloperBakin官方[/url] [*] Corresponding Repost URL: [url=https://weibo.com/7899725339/O2X8VoD8v]https://weibo.com/7899725339/O2X8VoD8v[/url] [*] Prizes: [*] RPG Developer Bakin + 9 types of DLCs: 6 winners [*] It includes the RPG Developer Bakin and nine paid DLCs (Ancient Pack, Western Pack, Modern City Pack, Glowing Crystal Pack, House Builder Pack, Forest Pack, Wooden Platform Pack, Glowing Icon Pack, and Dungeon Kit Pack). [*] Drawing / Announcement of Winners: The drawing will be conducted and announced using the official Weibo drawing tool. [*] Notes: [*] Prizes will be sent via DM. In addition, the winners will receive this tool and each DLC with a separate Steam key. [/list]