In this article, we would like to introduce the [Camera Tool], the "Apply Point Light to Subgraphic" and "Turn Subgraphic On/Off" features that have been requested, as well as the newly added "Random Placement Pen" feature! [h3]"Camera Tool" for freely moving in the 3D space and projecting each scene of the game.[/h3] The "Camera Tool" can be used to create camera work to enhance the scene while moving across the field, during battles, and various other event scenes. You can use the mouse to move the camera on the preview, and then use properties to define the angle of view and gazing point to determine how the scene will appear in the game. By adding frames to the timeline, adjusting the connecting movement between frames, and controlling the degree of post-effects applied, emotional camera work can be created for a scene. The gazing point can be selected from the player, world coordinates, events, etc. For post-effects, the depth of field, chromatic aberration, and other factors can be adjusted. [img][/img] The camera work created with this [Camera Tool] can be specified as the basic camera for maps or used in the game by calling it from an event. Please try using the [Camera Tool], which is indispensable for creating scenes that enhance the game! [h3]"Apply Point Light to Subgraphic", "Turn Subgraphic On/Off" and "Random Placement Pen"[/h3] Since the release of this information, we have received various requests from many of you. (Thanks again for your comments!) The development team has been working to respond to your requests and has now implemented two requested features: "applying for a point light on a subgraphic" and "turning a subgraphic on and off by an event". These allow, for example, "fire pedestals in a cave are lit to illuminate the surroundings" or "a sword worn by a character with a subgraphic can be attached or detached using an event". [img][/img] [img][/img] The camera work created with this [Camera Tool] can be specified as the basic camera for maps or used in the game by calling it from an event. Please try using the [Camera Tool], which is indispensable for creating scenes that enhance the game! "Apply Point Light to Subgraphic", "Turn Subgraphic On/Off" and "Random Placement Pen" Since the release of this information, we have received various requests from many of you. (Thanks again for your comments!) The development team has been working to respond to your requests and has now implemented two requested features: "applying for a point light on a subgraphic" and "turning a subgraphic on and off by an event". These allow, for example, "fire pedestals in a cave are lit to illuminate the surroundings" or "a sword worn by a character with a subgraphic can be attached or detached using an event". [img][/img] [img][/img] While the development team is preparing on the Early Access start, we are also implementing features that you have requested and that the team thought would have an interesting effect on the game creation! We will try to improve one by one, so please continue to give us your feedback!