If you've played the demo, you might have noticed a moment in which you would choose your [b]next Era.[/b] This feature was very basic back then. But now, the Eras have evolved and taken their space in Reus 2! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44092750/811f4ba44948b5086886e989c048fbe617ed68f9.gif[/img] [h2]Guide humanity[/h2] As time progresses with any of your actions, so does humanity. If you develop enough, you will enter a new Era however you may wonder which Era? It is up to you! Your options depend on how far you are in the game. Once you unlock more of the game, you can pick between different [b]3 Eras[/b]: [olist] [*] One Ancient Era. [*] One Medieval Era. [*] One Discovery Era. [/olist] The Eras you can select also depends on what your planet looks like! [h2]Gameplay Effects[/h2] Each Era has a unique aspect, but also a unique -if optional- Challenger Quest. Reaching these goals can be quite challenging, and you might have to plan your strategy in advance to complete the harder goals. An example is the [b]Castle Age[/b]. This Medieval Era will need 3 cities, which will all want to grow in different directions. Each will build their own castle with a personal effect and your goal is to make them all reach their personal ambition. Not only are they needy, they are also quite jealous! Help a city too often, and the others will hold a grudge against you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44092750/764df61be99ae3d14d70cc3060e23a85f3840521.png[/img] The Challenger Quests is a [b]stretch goal[/b] for your planet, and you can progress regardless of whether you complete it or not. If you clear the Challenger Quest, you will be rewarded with extras unlocks, resources and a little cinematic for conclusion of the Era! Can you balance their needs without turning them against you? [h2]Humanity is Crazy[/h2] This Castle Age is an example of an Era that seems mundane however for Reus 2, we wanted humanity to go where it has always dreamt it could go. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44092750/de70463ee5e76eb77a524454516d63dfa68327fd.png[/img] So who knows what kind of ending you might find for humanity? There is an endless stream of ideas we got from the community, so we hope to keep making Reus 2 Eras for a long time! - Greetings from Adriaan and the Monks at the Abbey