Hi! Just a short update to let you know that there is NOW a new Regulator City DEMO available ! Still in heavy development, but I'm very pleased with where the game currently is. There's a smoother game-flow experience (mission structure, city progress, all make more sense as you play) and there is even some on-boarding for new players in a short little "tutorial" level. You'll also experience a much better stealthy and sneaking-around experience to complete your missions! [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9856238/dbdb27b211f35148f82b43458ffcae82ff67f431.gif[/img] This demo also brings you a new playable character: Wrecking-ball ! His dash is VERY nice to use, and his Special ability certainly packs a punch ;) So please come and check it out, and if you haven't yet, wishlist the game! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1892750/Regulator_City/