[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9856238/28621f0145ab33d8671aa68347f921a3087ffa6a.gif[/img] Regulator City is the next Orangepixel game, and you can try it out for FREE right now in the form of an early demo! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1892750/Regulator_City/ You play the leader of a team, taking out various gangs setting up base in Regulator City. I was inspired by the cool team-action you see in movies or tv-shows with special forces.. and in this game I want the player to feel part of such a team as you make your way through various apartments, industrial buildings, offices, etc. Completing a range of interesting missions and slowly taking control of the city! Anyway, come check out the demo, follow + wishlist the game, and hang out on Discord to talk ! ([url=https://discord.gg/orangepixel]discord.gg/orangepixel[/url])