Little Hi! from the developer
Author: orangepascal,
published 4 years ago,
[h2]Few words[/h2]
Hey, I'm Pascal from Orangepixel, and I'm the solo developer creating Residual. Thanks for checking out the page.. that's step one! step two is install the demo, give it a go, and see if it's something you'd enjoy.
If you do, then don't forget to wishlist the game, and follow the progress in my 'almost' weekly video updates where I talk about the progress of the game, the decisions I'm making during design and development and also WHY I'm making certain decisions.
[h3]Game concept[/h3]
The plan I have for Residual is creating an interesting world where, hopefully, you as a player will actually find places and spots in the, uniquely generated, game world that actually make you just stop and forget about the whole 'mission' the game gives you. Just set up camp, sit a bit, swing on some vines, and just enjoy the environment.
I mentioned uniquely generated, because that's what this game is really about. The whole planet is generated differently every time you play the game. Not just the shape of the underground caverns, but also the temperature, the amount of flora and fauna, the types of flora and fauna, and everything that connects to those features.
It's still a long development road ahead, but I'd love to hear what you think about the demo so far, so drop by on [url=][/url] and let me know!
-- Pascal / Orangepixel