[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//37530908/9e862cfcbf1b07641d1ebe3bd37a97f9e2023f23.png[/img] This update is a little late, but I was a bit occupied with the Steam Festival demo thingie! I hope you got a chance to play the demo, if you didn't.. don't worry, I'm looking into doing some other type of demo or public access, because this game is going to be big and feedback every now and then goes a long way in making the game better! So keep following this page, or make sure to drop in [url=https://discord.gg/orangepixel]discord.gg/orangepixel[/url] and not miss a thing :) In this Devlog I talk about adding new creatures: Bats, opening up the crashed space ship, and showing the new research/analyzing feature! Check out the update here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rxHTEW1O0 [b]New big features:[/b] [list] [*]We now have bats! [*]Your crashed-spaceship is now a safe-haven, and you can go in and out. [*]Picking up new items now gives more information in the shape of researching. [/list]