Hey everyone! We’ve combined two previous [b]Open Beta updates[/b] into [b]one comprehensive patch[/b] to make sure you’re all up to date with the latest changes and fixes. This update includes improvements from both patches, so if you’ve missed anything along the way, you can catch up now! Check out the full details below, and as always, thank you for all the feedback and support in helping us make REKA the best it can be! [h3][b]Back up your save![/b][/h3] We also want to encourage everyone to back up any existing save files from the previous version just to be safe. You can do that by following the steps seen below; [b]- Create a save file:[/b] Start the game and manually save. You can find your saves by pressing WindowsKey+R and then typing in %AppData%\RekaGame\Saves and pressing ok. [b]- Back up your save: [/b]Make a copy of the save folder and paste it in a safe location, like your desktop or another folder. [b]- Restore if needed: [/b]If you encounter any issues after installing the latest patch, simply replace the new save files with the backup you made. [h3]Gameplay Changes[/h3][list] [*] Your chicken hut’s feather color is now saved. For older save games, you’ll see a popup allowing you to restore your chosen feather color. [*] The chicken legged cottage can no longer move outside of the map borders. (if you have an existing save file where your chicken legged cottage is outside of these border then it will now teleport to be within the map borders when you next open the game). [*] Added a notification to let the player know that their inventory is full. [*] Made it slightly harder to gain Leshy's approval.[spoiler]Destroying a singular highstand will no longer count towards increasing Leshy's approval[/spoiler] [*] While moving your chicken legged cottage, you will now no longer be teleported away from zones that it is not allowed to settle in, instead you will now be blocked from moving within the radius [*] Added a Button to the Pause Menu that will regenerate the current map if you are stuck at any point and cannot progress. Pressing this button resets your quest progress on the current map (but not your character, house or inventory). [*] Goats are now less chatty while at home.[/list] [h3]Performance Improvements[/h3][list] [*] We have begun reworking how assets are handled in runtime. This will cause a new, short loading screen to appear when starting up the game. [*] Decreased memory usage by optimizing the loading and unloading of resources, which will slightly increase map generation time. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3][list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused the "Critical Bug - envGenFail" error message. [*] Fixed a bug that would allow trees to clip through your chicken legged cottage after loading. [*] Fixed a bug that falsely allowed the player to enter build mode when not at home. [*] Fixed a bug that caused time to not pass after sleeping in a bed. [*] Fixed missing translations & grammar/spelling mistakes. [*] Fixed a bug that caused a progression lock during the [spoiler]trial of the forest spirit quest when deciding the lumberjacks fate[/spoiler] [*] Removed a sound that remains near the cottage on the tutorial map after the [spoiler]chicken cottage ritual.[/spoiler] [*] Fixed chests emptying upon loading. [*] Fixed [spoiler]Baba Jaga’s[/spoiler] chest glittering when empty. [*] Fixed quests involving cleansing being unable to complete if you already knew how to cleanse prior to reaching the map. [*] Fixed various bugs surrounding the pantry quests. [*] Controller: Fixed navigation issues with the sap basin UI at the [spoiler]big larch.[/spoiler] [/list]