Hello witches! 👋 We just wanted to pop on here and give you another little update on what we've been working on. Before we start, we just wanted to say a [b][u]BIG[/u][/b] thank you to everyone who has wishlisted REKA. Your support is really helping our game get noticed, and as a small dev team this community is so important to us. 🧡 [h3][b]Camera Angles & NPCs [/b][/h3] This is all a work-in-progress, but we’ve been experimenting with different animations. When you speak to a villager they’ll turn around and face you, and we’ve also added in some [b]talking gestures[/b] and [b]hand movements[/b] too. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42492896/3dce96197bb50f7ebf392b1921c4edbb59dc7f01.gif[/img] We’re hoping this will help players feel more immersed in the world of REKA, and we’ve had so much fun adding these little actions in. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42492896/75e1c1dcc273be6d56ee80acf66279fde732b0a7.gif[/img] [h3][b]We have something exciting to share very soon... [/b][/h3] You might also notice a little hint at another feature in these screenshots: [b]character customization[/b]! We’ll be showing more on this in the near future. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42492896/cd137a8953ddb38f34cd068a3f0bdc2ac0fa979b.png[/img] [h3][b]Mini FAQs! [/b][/h3] We'd like to cover off another question we've seen come up quite regularly... The name Reka! [b]Why did you choose the name Reka? [/b] The name first popped up on our radar because the Spree river that runs through Berlin was often called Reka by the local Slavic people, which means 'river'. We have taken on that name and included it into the story, you are basically travelling along a river network throughout the game! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42492896/3ecb4e5aa4c9ecbdc5907947f23824a45c4eafd2.png[/img] If you'd like to hear about the latest REKA updates and chat with our wonderful witchy community, [url=https://discord.gg/ahaptqw2VZ][b]join us on Discord here[/b][/url]. Thanks for reading, we'll catch you next time!